LankaSecure (2004)
Describes the Scripless Securities Settlement System and Central Depository System. Available in English on-line only.
Available as: PDF
Published On: 13 February 2004
History of Coins and Currencies in Sri Lanka (2000)
The publication describes the history of coins and currency in the island. Available only in printed form in English.
LankaSettle (2003)
Describes the main components of the LankaSettle System - the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System and the Lanka Secure System (Scripless Securities Settlement System and the Central Depository for Government Securities). Available in English on-line only.
Available as: PDF
International Trade (2001)
An introduction to the theories of international trade Available in Sinhala only.
Directions and Rules issued under the Finance companies Act, No. 78 of 1988
A booklet contains Directions and Rules issued to the finance companies. Available in English.
Directions, Rules, Determinations, Notices, and Guidelines applicable to Licensed Finance Companies
A booklet contains Directions, Rules, Determinations, Notices, and Guidelines issued to Licensed finance companies. Available in English.
Available as: PDF
Published On: November 2014
ISBN: 978-955-575-253-4
Directions issued under the Finance Leasing Act, No. 56 of 2000
This booklet contains Directions issued under the Finance Leasing Act, No. 56 of 2000. Available in English.
Available as: PDF
Published On: November 2012
ISBN: 978-955-575-254-1
Price Stability (2005) (Pamphlet Series No. 1)
Explains what is meant by price stability, how it is measured, why it is important and the factors that affect price stability. Inflation containment measures and how monetary policy is used to achieve and maintain price stability is also described. Available in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
Available as: PDF
Published On: October 2005
Financial System Stability (2005) (Pamphlet Series No. 2)
Explains what is meant by financial stability, the factors that contribute towards achieving it, the causes and consequences of financial system instability and the role of the Central Bank in maintaining financial system stability. Available in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
Available as: PDF
Published On: October 2005
Exchange Rate (Pamphlet Series No. 3)
Explains the factors that determine exchange rate depreciation and appreciation, the significance of nominal and real effective exchange rates and different exchange rate regimes. Also, provides and overview of the foreign exchange market and the role of the Central Bank in maintaining exchange rate stability. Available in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
Available as: PDF
Published On: April 2006
Danger Posed by Pyramid Schemes & Network Marketing Programmes (2006) ( Pamphlet Series No. 4)
Describes the nature of different types of Pyramid Schemes, outlines the dangers they pose and provides tips on identifying Pyramid Schemes. Available in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
Available as: PDF
Published On: May 2006
Institutions Authorised to Accept Deposits From the Public (2006) (Pamphlet Series No. 5)
Provides information on the various categories of institutions that are legally authorised to accept deposits from the public. Available in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
Available as: PDF
Published On: May 2006
Preventing Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (2006) (Pamphlet Series No. 6)
Describes the offences of money laundering and terrorist financing, the methodologies adopted by money launderers, the negative consequences associated with money laundering and terrorist financing. The laws on money laundering and the duties and responsibilities imposed on persons and entities in terms of these laws, are also explained. Available in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
Available as: PDF
Published On: July 2006
LankaSecure(2006) (Pamphlet Series No. 7)
Describes the "LankaSecure" system which consists of the Scripless Securities Settlement System and the Central Depository for Government Securities. Available in English, Sinhala and Tamil.
Available as: PDF
Published On: July 2006