Economic and Social Statistics - 2024

Chapter 1 - National Output, Expenditure and Income

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1.1 Summary of National Accounts
1.2 Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Income and Deflators
1.3 Gross Domestic Product at Constant Prices
1.4 Gross Domestic Product at Current Prices
1.5 Gross National Income by Industrial Origin at Constant (2015) Prices
1.6 Gross National Income by Industrial Origin at Current Market Prices
1.7 Composition of Gross Domestic Product at Current Market Prices
1.8 Investment and Savings at (Current Market Prices)
1.9 Quarterly Estimates of GDP at Constant (2015) Prices
1.10 Aggregate Demand
1.11 Provincial Gross Domestic Product by Industrial Origin at Current Market Prices
1.12 Provincial Gross Domestic Product by Industrial Origin at Current Prices
1.13 Tea
1.14 Rubber
1.15 Coconut
1.16 Minor Export Crops
1.17 Paddy
1.18 Subsidiary Food Crops
1.19 Principal Crops by Province
1.20 Agricultural Crops – Yields, Farmgate Prices and Costs of Cultivation
1.21 Fish and Livestock
1.22 National Livestock Statistics by District
1.23 Livestock and Poultry – Average Producer Prices
1.24 Fish Production by Province
1.25 Operating Fishing Craft by Province and Type
1.26 Cultivation Loans – Refinance Credit Schemes(Position as at end of December)
1.27 Plantation Sector – Manpower, Extent, Production and Yield
1.28 Settlements and Land Cultivated under Mahaweli Programme
1.29 Mean Temperature
1.30 Rainfall and Rainy Days – Hydro Catchment Areas
1.31 Rainfall and Rainy Days – Selected Stations
1.32 Humidity
1.33 Sugar
1.34 Milk and Milk Products
1.35 Textiles
1.36 Petroleum
1.37 Minerals
1.38 Cement
1.39 Electricity
1.40 Gross Generation of Electricity by Power Station
1.41 Electricity Sales by Province
1.42 Water – Consumers, Consumption and Revenue by Province
1.43 Board of Investment (BOI) Enterprises