Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Bank Communication
CBSL General Information
How can I contact the Central Bank of Sri Lanka?
For all inquiries, please send an email message to
Or call on our general number at 011-247-7000
If you wish to speak with someone about a specific matter, please refer the Directory of Senior Officers and their contact details at
For inquiries about the EPF; please contact the EPF Help Desk at 011- 2206636/6642/6672/6690/6691/6692/6693
For inquiries about the Foreign Exchange; please contact DFE at 011-2477021
How can I make a complaint or suggestion to the CBSL?
Please send an email message with your complaint and/or suggestion to
Is the Central Bank active on social media?
Yes, CBSL maintains official Facebook page, Twitter account and YouTube channel.
Can I contact the CBSL through its FaceBook Page?
Yes. You may use the CBSL Official FaceBook Page to contact the CBSL
What types of videos are on the CBSL YouTube Channel?
You can watch Educational Programmes, Webinars, Coverage of Monetary Policy Press Conferences and other related programmes through the CBSL YouTube Channel.
CBSL Currency Museum
What is the Currency Museum?
Currency Museum displays a wide range of exhibits from the evolution of currency in the world, through its usage in Sri Lanka which dates back to the 3rd Century BC, up to currency notes and coins as it is used today. Coins used during various eras of the country such as the Anurdhapura, Polonnaruwa, Kotte and Kandy kingdoms, currency used during the colonial rule of the country with a large collection from the British colonial period and notes and coins issued by the CBSL are attractively displayed. Special exhibits of the process of minting coins and printing currency notes are also on display with generous contributions by the bank note printer and coin mints. Self-learning tools to detect the security features of currency notes, videos on currency are also available. The Economic History Museum offers tours to school children and interested parties free of charge.
Where is the Currency Museum located?
Central Point Building at the corner of Janadhipathi Mawatha and Chatham Street.
It currently houses the Publications Sales Counter on the Ground Floor and the Currency Museum on Level 3.
What are the Opening hours of the Currency Museum?
09:00 AM to 04:15 PM on Weekdays, except on public and bank holidays
Where can I purchase commemorative coins from?
Commemorative coins can be purchased from the Sales Counter at the Central Point Building of the CBSL (Tel: 011 2444503)
CBSL Publications
How can I purchase CBSL Publications?
CBSL publications can be purchased from:
- Sales Counter at the Publications Sales Counter at the Central Point Building (Tel: 011 2444502)
- Sales Counter at the Centre for Banking Studies, Rajagiriya (Tel: 011 2477829)
- Leading bookshops in the country
- Regional Offices
- Matale (Tel: 066 2223367)
- Anuradhapura (Tel: 025 2222055)
- Matara (Tel: 041 2222774)
- Trincomalee (Tel: 026 2226966)
- Kilinochchi (Tel: 021 2285914)
- Nuwaraeliya (Tel: 052 3059004)
Does CBSL issue Periodicals?
CBSL publishes 3 periodicals on a quarterly basis on matters pertaining to the economy, money and banking - Satahana (Sinhala), Vaippaham (Tamil) and News Survey (English)
These can be downloaded from the CBSL website at the end of each quarter.
- Satahana
- News Survey
- Vaippaham
Hard copies of News Surveys can be purchased for Rs. 60 per issue, Satahana & Vaippaham for Rs. 20 per issue from the CBSL Sales Counter by paying in cash or card.
Can I make an annual subscription for a periodical?
The periodicals could be delivered to your home / office for period of one year by making a payment of Rs. 420 per periodical, by money order or cheque in favour of Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
Subscriptions can be renewed by paying the due amount for the desired period as indicated above.
CBSL Awareness
Does the CBSL engage in Public Awareness Programmes?
Yes. The CBSL participates in public awareness programs at educational and trade exhibitions organized by various Ministries.
In addition, CBSL hosts an Open Day every other year at one of its Regional Offices. Information on the date and venue of the next Open Day would be notified.
Typically, the main attractions of the CBSL public awareness programs are the Mobile Currency Museum and the Mobile EPF HelpDesk to addresses EPF inquiries. CBSL also organizes exhibits on development projects conducted by the Regional Development Department of the CBSL and sells CBSL publications at the above public awareness programmes.
The Communications Department also produces video documentaries to educate students on functions and responsibilities of the Central Bank and the public on various development activity.
Does the CBSL host awareness programmes for specific groups of people?
Yes. The CBSL hosts the educational awareness programmes in the form of Lectures / Workshops / Seminars for teachers and students.
Some of the popular topics covered by CBSL Awareness include the following:
- Objectives & Functions of the CBSL
- Money, Banking and Central Banking
- Recent Economic Developments and Outlook
- Central Banks role in Supervision of Banks
- Central Banks role in Supervision of Non-Bank financial Institutions
- Exchange Rate Management in Sri Lanka
- Monetary Policy in Sri Lanka
- International Trade and Balance of Payment
- Issuance of Currency Notes and Coins in Sri Lanka
- Issuance of Treasury Bills and Bonds in Sri Lanka
- Legal and Compliance Functions of Central Bank of Sri Lanka and Other Financial Institutions of Sri Lanka
- National Income Accounting
- Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism
- Payment and Settlement Systems in Sri Lanka
If you wish to have such a presentation on any of these topics at your school / university / educational institution, or if you intend to arrange for a visit to the CBSL and to listen to one of our resource persons, you may send a written request to the Director/Communications via email with a copy to
If you would like us to cover any other topic, or if you have any other inquiry about CBSL Awareness, please send an email message to with a copy to
with “CBSL Awareness” as the subject, and we will consider, subject to the availability of resource persons at the CBSL.