Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Accepted Level of Risk | ALR | Accepted level of risk is the level of potential losses that an institution considers acceptable in a given content. |
Access to Credit (in BOS) | Indicates the accessibility of bank credit during the current quarter | |
Accommodative monetary policy stance | ||
Active Liability Management Act | ALMA | |
Ad valorem duty | Duty levied as a percentage of value of the goods being imported. | |
Advance payment | Paying or part-paying a supplier before goods or services are delivered. | |
Agriculture Value Chain | AVC | Different segments and their connectivity in agriculture sector. |
All Share Price Index | ASPI | |
AMD 01 | Letter to be sent to the EPF Department to rectify the discrepancy between the name of a member who has already been sent through RR 06 form & the name in accordance with the National Identity Card. | |
AMD 02 | Letter to be sent if there is a discrepancy between the National Identity Card number of a member who has already been sent through RR 06 form & the number according to the National Identity Card. | |
Annual average basis Inflation | The percentage change of the average CPI of last 12 months and the averge CPI of previous 12 months. | |
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism | AML/CFT | Anti-money laundering refers to the laws, regulations and procedures intended to prevent criminals from disguising illegally obtained funds as legitimate income. Combating the Financing of Terrorism is a set of government laws, regulations, and other practices that are intended to restrict access to funding and financial services for those whom the government designates as terrorists. |
Application System 400 | AS/400 | Application System 400 (AS/400) is a server operating platform developed by IBM. |
Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering | APG | The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering is an inter-governmental organisation, consisting of 41 member jurisdictions, focused on ensuring that its members effectively implement the international standards against money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing related to weapons of mass destruction. |
Asian Development Bank | ADB | |
ASL Balancing | EPF annual balancing of accounts & credit of annual interest to member accounts. | |
Asset-Backed Securities | ABS | Asset-Backed Security is a security whose payments are backed by a specified pool of assets such as loans, receivables, and mortgages. |
Assistant Commissioner of Labor | ACL | |
Authentication | The identification process that verifies a user as the person he/she claims to be | |
Authorized Dealer | AD | A bank licensed under the Banking Act, No. 30 of 1988 authorized under section 4 of the Foreign Exchange Act, No.12 of 2017 as authorized dealer to deal in foreign exchange |
Authorised Money Brokers | AMBs | Authorised Money Broker (AMB) is a financial intermediary engaged in the business of money broking, foreign exchange broking, inter - bank money broking, in respect of transactions of financial products with clients in the money, securities and foreign exchange markets in Sri Lanka and other recognised international markets issued with the Certificate of Authorisation under the Money Broking Regulations No. 01 of 2013. |
Automated Teller Machine | ATM | An automated electromechanical device operated by the cardholder, commonly using a payment card and PIN verfication, for online transactions such as withdrawing cash and/or for other services such as balance inquiry and fund transfer. |
Average Time to Maturity | ATM | Weighted average time to maturity of all the debt securities/loans in the debt portfolio. |
Average Time to Refixing | ATR | |
Average Weighted Call Money Rate | AWCMR | Weighted average of interest rates of overnight call money market transactions (uncollateralised) between Licensed Commercial Banks (LCBs) on a given day, which is computed and published by the CBSL on each working day. AWCMR is also CBSL’s operating target under the existing monetary policy framework. |
Average Weighted Deposit Rate | AWDR | AWDR reflects the movements in interest rates pertaining to all outstanding interest bearing rupee deposits held with LCBs. |
Average Weighted Fixed Deposit Rate | AWFDR | AWFDR is based on interest rates pertaining to all outstanding interest bearing rupee time deposits held with LCBs. |
Average Weighted Lending Rate | AWLR | AWLR is based on interest rates of all outstanding rupee loans and advances extended by LCBs. |
Average Weighted New Deposit Rate | AWNDR | AWNDR is based on interest rates pertaining to all new interest bearing rupee deposits mobilised by LCBs during a particular month |
Average Weighted New Fixed Deposit Rate | AWNFDR | AWNFDR is based on interest rates pertaining to all new interest bearing rupee time deposits mobilised by LCBs during a particular month |
Average Weighted New Lending Rate | AWNLR | AWNLR captures interest rates of all new rupee loans and advances extended by LCBs during a particular month |
Average Weighted New SME loan Rate | AWNSR | AWNSR captures interest rates of all new rupee loans and advances extended by licensed banks during a particular month to MSMEs, excluding refinance schemes of the Government and the Central Bank |
Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate | AWPR | AWPR is based on interest rates applicable to short term rupee loans and advances granted by LCBs to their prime customers during a particular week |
Average Weighted SME loan Rate | AWSR | AWSR is based on interest rates of all outstanding rupee loans and advances extended by licensed banks to MSMEs, excluding refinance schemes of the Government and the Central Bank |
Average Weighted Repo Rate | AWRR | Weighted average of interest rates of overnight repo transactions (collateralized by government securities) between Participating Institutions (PIs) on a given day, which is computed and published by the CBSL on each working day. |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Back Office | BO | Back office is responsible for the payment & settlement activities relating to the transaction carried out by Front Office. |
Balance of Payments | BOP | |
Balance of trade | The difference between a country’s total exports and imports for a specific time period. | |
Bank Identifier Code | BIC | Bank Identifier Code (BIC) is a 8 to 11 character code used to identify a specific bank used in a SWIFT transaction. |
Bank Rate | Bank Rate is an administratively determined rate that could be used in periods of emergency for the Central Bank to grant extraordinary loans or advances to LCBs | |
Bank Supervision Department | BSD | |
Banking Soundness Index | BSI | An indicator that has been developed to assess the soundness of the banking sector, which is a key component of the financial system with respect to financial stability. |
Basis Points | BPS | |
Basket of currencies | ||
Before Tax | BT | |
Benchmark | A benchmark is a standard measure with which the comparison of risk and performance of investments can be made. | |
Benchmark Bond | A bond that provides a standard against which the performance of other bonds can be measured. Government bonds are often used as benchmark bonds. This is also referred to as “benchmark issue”. | |
Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement | BCSA | An agreement under which two central banks agree to acquire each other's currency/another currency (other than the own currency of the other central bank) in exchange for its own, either up to a pre-agreed limit or in unlimited amount. |
Bilateral trade agreement | A formal agreement involving trade between two countries. | |
Blockchain Technology | Blockchain technology is a distributed, ledger system that promotes decentralization, transparency, and data integrity | |
Board of Investment | BOI | |
Board Risk Oversight Committee | BROC | |
Bond Borrowing Scheme | BBS | A special scheme used by the CBSL to absorb excess liquidity in the domestic money market using securities borrowed from a third party at times when the stock of Treasury bills and Treasury bonds held by the CBSL is not adequate to conduct repurchase transactions under open market operations (OMOs). Currently, the CBSL is only permitted to borrow securities from the Employees’ Provident Fund under BBS. |
Book Value | BV | Value of government securities at the market prices |
Brilliant Uncirculated Coins | Coins typically produced the same way as circulated coins but with quality enhancements to create brilliant finish | |
Broad money (M2b) | Includes narrow money supply, time and savings deposits held by the public with commercial banks and also includes a part of foreign currency deposits of commercial banks | |
Budget deficit | ||
Bunching of Debt Stock | An excessive amount of debt maturing on a given date or within a given period of time. | |
Business Condition (in BOS) | Indicates the general business condition during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter | |
Business Continuity | The process performed to ensure that critical functionalities of systems are available to users without disruption even through disasters | |
Business Continuity Plan | BCP | |
Business Foreign Currency Account | BFCA | Foreign Currency Account for persons resident in Sri Lanka who earn foreign exchange from a resident outside Sri Lanka. |
Business friendly tax regime | ||
Business Outlook Survey | BOS | BOS is a quarterly survey which captures the sentiments of the corporate sector covering all three major sectors of the economy with respect to current and expected developments of key areas of business activities, which serve to monitor the ongoing status of the economy. |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Capacity Utilisation (in BOS) | Indicates the capacity utilised (labour, facilities etc.) during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter as compared to corresponding quarter of the last year | |
Capital Adequacy Ratio | CAR | |
Capital Transaction | A transaction which is not a current transaction within the meaning of the Foreign Exchange Act, No.12 of 2017 | |
Capital Transactions Rupee Account | CTRA | Account which has been introduced to facilitate emigrants, non-nationals resident in or outside Sri Lanka and resident persons who intend to migrate/depart from Sri Lanka, to repatriate their eligible migration allowance and other eligible proceeds outside Sri Lanka. |
Cardholder | Any person authorized to use a payment card issued by an card Issuer | |
Card Issuer | An entity which issues a payment card and thereby enters into a contractual relationship with the cardholder | |
Card Verification Value | CVV | Card Verification Value refers to a number, which is commonly depicted with three digits on the back of a payment card. The CVV is generally used when the cardholder is not physically present when making a payment (Eg; online card transactions). |
Cash Deposit Machine | CDM | A self service device/terminal that allows customers to deposit cash and make payment transactions using cash |
Cash Recycling Machine | CRM | A device/terminal that allows customers to deposit and withdraw cash, similar to an ATM |
CBSL holdings of government securities | ||
CCPI Core | CCPI Core | Excluding Volatile Food, Energy and Transport from the CCPI basket |
Central Bank Digital Currency | CBDC | Fiat currency issued by a central bank in digital form as an electronic record or digital token |
Central Bank Intervention in Foreign Exchange Market | Central bank buys and sells foreign exchange in the foreign exchange market with objectives to prevent excessive volatility in the exchange rate and/or to maintain an adequate level of external reserves. | |
Central Bank of Sri Lanka | CBSL | |
Central Counterparty | CCP | A central counterparty interposes itself between counterparties to contracts traded in one or more financial markets, becoming the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer and thereby ensuring the performance of open contracts. A CCP becomes counterparty to trades with market participants through novation, an open-offer system, or through an analogous legally binding arrangement. CCPs have the potential to reduce significant risks to participants through the multilateral netting of trades and by imposing more-effective risk controls on all participants and, as a result, they can reduce systemic risk in the markets they serve. |
Central Depository System | CDS | The system which electronically records the ownership of government of Sri Lanka debt securities and Central Bank of Sri Lanka Securities issued in scripless form. This is system is owned and operated by Central Bank of Sri Lanka |
Central Integrated Market Monitor | CIMM | A reporting platform provided by CBSL to PIs, which is used to record all money market transactions on near real time basis and the details of liquidity position of PIs |
Central Securities Depository | CSD | A system which electronically records the ownership of Securities issued in scripless form. |
Centre for Banking Studies | CBS | |
Certificate of Authorisation | COA | An Authorisation certificate issued by the Monetary Board of the CBSL to only a limited liability company registered under the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 to engage in the business of money broking. |
Ceylon Electricity Board | CEB | |
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation | CPC | |
Charge Card | A payment card which involves a line of credit granted by the issuer to the cardholder where the credit utilized by the cardholder must be settled fully on or before a date specified by the issuer, without any extended credit | |
Cheque Imaging and Truncation System | CITS | An interbank system operated by LankaClear (Pvt) Ltd (LCPL) that enables the clearing of cheques by presenting the cheque image instead of the physical cheque. |
Chief Compliance Officer | CCO | |
Chief Risk Officer | CRO | |
Circulation Standard Commemorative Coins | Commemorative coins that are issued into circulation for transaction in which the monetary value equals the face value of the coin | |
Claims Adjuster (Loss Adjuster) | Investigates insurance claims to determine the extent of insuring a company's liability. | |
Claims Ratio | The percentage of claims costs incurred in relation to the premiums earned. | |
Clean Note Policy | Ensure the availability of good quality notes in circulation | |
Clearing Cycle | Time period predefined by the payment system operator for netting of transactions for settlement | |
Clearing house | A corporation, association, partnership, agency or organization or other entity or person that provides clearing or settlement services for payment instructions and/or security transactions | |
Clearing system | Mechanism for the exchanging and processing of obligations to make payment or the transfer of securities among banks and other financial institutions for the purpose of settling them | |
Coinage | A collection of denominations of coins issued into circulation | |
Collateral | Collateral is a security of asset accepted by lenders from borrowers to protect in an event of defaults. If a borrower failed to honor the obligations, the lender can use the pledged collaterals to claim against the loss incurred due to defaults. | |
Colombo Consumer Price Index | CCPI | CCPI demonstrates the price movment of selcted goods and services consumed by urban households of the Colombo district. |
Colombo Port City Investment Accounts (Investor/Investee) | CPCIA | CPCIAs was introduced under the Directions No. 06 of 2022 and 07 of 2022. There are two types of accounts available under this account category |
Colombo Stock Exchange | CSE | |
Combined Ratio | A measure of profitability used by an insurance company to gauge how well it is performing in its daily operations. The combined ratio is calculated by taking the sum of incurred losses and expenses and then dividing them by the earned premium. | |
Commemorative Notes and Coins | A currency note or coin issued to commemorate the significance of the contribution of a person or a special event to the wellbeing of the Sri Lankan society | |
Commercial banks' deposits with the Central Bank | ||
Commercial Papers | Commonly used type of short-term debt instrument issued by corporations, typically used for the financing short-term liabilities. | |
Commercial Scale Dairy Development Loan Scheme | CSDDLS | |
Commodity Exports Subsidy Scheme | CESS | |
Common Electronic Fund Transfer Switch | CEFTS | An electronic fund transfer switch , which facilitates domestic interbank real-time fund transfers between customers of financial institutions connected to the system through payment channels such as Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Kiosks, Over the Counter (OTC) and Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) |
Common POS Switch | CPS | An electronic system operated by LankaClear (Pvt) Ltd (LCPL) that links Point of Sales (POS) of its members to facilitate switching and clearing of not-on-us POS transactions |
Communications Department | CMD | |
Compliance Monitoring Officer | CMO | |
Complaint Reference Number | CRN | |
Complaint Submission Form | CSF | |
CON TOT Checking | Checking the balance not credited into the member accounts & remained at employer account prior to the annual account balance. | |
Condominium Market Survey | CMS | CMS is carried out by the Statistics Department of the CBSL targeting the condominium developers on a quarterly basis with the objective of obtaining market information including sales transaction data, required to be used in informed decision making process and in property price index compilation process. A summary report compiled based on the information obtained through the survey is published on the CBSL website on a quarterly basis. |
Confidence Intervals | CI | |
Consolidated Operating Instructions | COI | A circular, which outlines operating instructions relating to OMOs of the CBSL |
Consumer price inflation | ||
Contactless payments | Refers payments by using technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and near-field communication (NFC) enabled in payment cards or other devices | |
Contagion Risk | Transmission of financial difficulties in one or many financial institutions to a large number of other financial institutions or to the entire financial system. Financial Interconnectedness acts as a conduit for contagion. | |
Conversion of export proceeds | ||
Contribution detail file for paying through electronic media | EVEMC | |
Core Inflation | Measures excluding Volatile Food, Energy and Transport from the headline index | |
Corporate Debt Instruments | CDI | |
Corporate Debt Market | ||
Corporative Wholesale Establishment | CWE | |
Corridor of interest rates | ||
Cost, Insurance and Freight | CIF | An inco term, which means cost, insurance, freight included in the price. |
Counterfeit/ Forged Notes | Currency issued into circulation by any person or establishment other than the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, in a deliberate attempt to imitate the currency to deceive its recipient | |
Counterparty | An individual or an entity on the other side of a financial contract or a transaction. | |
Counterparty Credit Risk Management Guideline | CCRMG | |
Coupon | The interest payment made to bond holders during the lifetime of the bond. Coupon payments are usually paid semi-annually. The annual amount of interest is equal to the principal value times the coupon rate. | |
Credit Card | A payment card which involves a line of credit granted by the issuer to the card holder, where the credit utilized can be settled in full or in part on or before a specified date. The issuer may charge interest or other charges on any amount not settled on the specified date | |
Credit Guarantee/Credit Guarantees | CG/CGs | One of the tools for credit risk mitigation and credit enhancement. The guarantee is issued by the CBSL as the agent of the GOSL or acts on behalf of the GOSL and it covers the risk of default by borrowers. If the borrower fails to repay what he borrowed by financial institutions, the financial institutions could resort to Credit Guarantee Scheme to recover the losses incurred by him due to the default by the borrower. |
Credit Risk | Credit risk is the possibility of a loss due to failure of a borrower to repay full or part of their financial obligation when due. | |
Credit Supply survey | CSS | CSS is a survey to capture the recent developments and forward-looking information on the credit activities of all licensed commercial banks and licensed specialised banks in the country on a quarterly basis. |
Criminal Investigation Division | CID | |
Cross Currency | A currency pair that does not involve the US dollar as the base or the quoted currency. A cross currency transaction, for example, doesn't use the U.S. dollar as a contract settlement currency. | |
Currency | All currency notes and coins issued or circulating in the country in accordance with the Monetary Law Act No. 58 of 1949 | |
Currency Department | CRD | |
Currency in Circulation | CIC | The physical amount of currency notes and coins held by the public (Including Licensed Commercial Banks and other Financial Institutions) at a given time |
Currency Note Processing System | CNPS | |
Current Transaction | Any international transaction necessitating a transfer of foreign exchange into or from Sri Lanka, and referred to in paragraph (d) of Article XXX of the Articles of the International Monetary Fund | |
Custodians in terms of Financial Transactions |
Clearing members who settle trades on behalf of their clients that are executed through other trading members. |
Customer Account based Mobile Payment System |
A mobile phone based payment system operated by a Licensed Commercial Bank, a Licensed Specialized Bank or a Finance Company that provides a means of access to customer accounts maintained with such financial institutions |
Customer Due Diligence | CDD |
Customer due diligence is the process of (a) Identifying the customer and verifying that customer’s identity using reliable, independent source documents, data or information. |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Damaged/ Mutilated Notes | Currency note which has been reduced in its original size due to wear and tear, burnt, decomposed, shredded, torn, and where security features, date on note, serial number and signature are tampered with, by accident or by various natural disasters | |
Data Library | Data Library consists of time series data on a variety of areas spanning across Real, Monetary, Fiscal, External and Financial sectors collected from several internal Departments of the Central Bank and several external institutions. | |
Data Warehouse | A data storage architecture that enables business intelligence activities to be performed on stored data | |
Deal in foreign exchange | Accepting, buying, selling, borrowing, and lending of foreign exchange and exchange to any other foreign currency for the purposes under the Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 | |
Dealer Direct Participant | DDP | A Direct Participant appointed as a Dealer Direct Participant by CBSL in terms of the Registered Stock and Securities Ordinance and the Local Treasury Bills Ordinance. Dealer Direct Participant shall have the access to maintain securities accounts in the CDS and effect transfers of Scripless Securities on its own behalf or on behalf of its Customers. |
Dealing Unit | DU | |
Debentures | ||
Debit Card | A payment card that may be used to withdraw cash and/or execute payments for purchase of goods and services, by directly debiting from the credit balance of the cardholder’s account | |
Debt moratoria | ||
Debt service obligations | ||
Debt Sustainability | The level of debt which allows a debtor country to meet its current and future debt service obligations in full, without recourse to further debt relief or rescheduling, avoiding accumulation of arrears, while allowing an acceptable level of economic growth. | |
Declaration | Declaration to the Department of Customs where foreign exchange exceeds USD 15,000 or its equivalent in other foreign currencies or an appropriate declaration to an Authorized Dealer where such foreign exchange is less than or equals USD 15,000 or its equivalent in other foreign currencies | |
Delivery Versus Payment | DVP | Transfer (delivery) of ownership of securities and the underlying transfer of funds are realized simultaneously on real time. |
Delivery Versus Payment I | DVPI | Transfer of ownership of securities are realized and the underlying transfer of funds are realized on gross basis in real-time bilaterally between PIs as final settlements. |
Delivery Versus Payment II | DVPII | Transfer of ownership of securities are realized on gross (trade-by-trade) basis in real-time but the underlying transfer of funds realize on differed net basis between PIs as final settlements. |
Delivery Versus Payment III | DVPIII | Transfer of ownership of securities and the underlying transfer of funds are realized on differed net settlement basis. i.e. at predetermined times of a day (based on the frequency of net settlements) open positions of securities and open positions of funds are netted multilaterally and settled between all PIs simultaneously ensuring settlement finality of transactions (irrevocable and unconditional). |
Demand (in BOS) | Indicates the volume of demand during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter as compared to corresponding quarter of the last year | |
Demand driven inflationary pressures | ||
Demand for Bank Credit (in BOS) | Indicates the demand to obtain bank credit during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter as compared to corresponding quarter of the last year | |
Demonetization | Withdrawal of a coin or currency note from use as legal tender by the Central Bank with an advance notice | |
Department of Cencus and Statistics | DCS | |
Department of Foreign Exchange | DFE | |
Department of Supervision of Non-Bank Financial Institutions | DSNBFI | |
Departmental Risk Officer | DRO | |
Deposit liabilities | ||
Depreciation and amortisation | ||
Deputy Commissioner of Labour | DCL | |
Deputy Secretary to the Treasury Account | DST | The Account which is used for handling all transactions and documents between the CBSL and the General Treasury. |
Designated Foreign Currency | United States Dollars (USD); Euro; Sterling Pound; Australian Dollars; Singapore Dollars; Swedish Kroner; Swiss Franc; Canadian Dollars; Hong Kong Dollars; Japanese Yen; Danish Kroner; Norwegian Kroner; Chinese Renminbi; New Zealand Dollars and Thai Baht. | |
Designated Non-Finance Businesses and Professions | DNFBPs | Institutions engaged in Designated Non-Finance Businesses and Professions as defined in the Financial Transactions Reporting Act, No. 6 of 2006 |
Deterioration of fiscal balances | ||
Determination Letter | DL | |
Digital Signature | A cryptographically generated group of data, containing an electronic message that verifies a signatory | |
Diplomatic Foreign Currency Account | DFCA | Foreign Currency Account for Diplomatic Missions/ Personal in Sri Lanka |
Diplomatic Mission | An embassy, high commission, consulate, permanent mission of United Nations Organization, European Union delegation of the European Commission, International Monetary Fund, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Development Bank or any other similar organization which has been recognized as a diplomatic mission by the Protocol Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) from time to time | |
Diplomatic personnel | Citizens of a foreign country represented by the diplomatic mission | |
Diplomatic Rupee Account | DRA | Sri Lanka Rupee Account for Diplomatic Missions/ Personal in Sri Lanka |
Direct Financial Interconnectedness | Direct Financial Interconnectedness originates from direct linkages between financial institutions through financial transactions, other obligations and relationships. | |
Direct Investment Enterprises | DIEs | |
Direct Issuance Window | DIW | The arrangement in place for direct issuances of Treasury Bonds in the Primary Market at the WAYR determined at the Primary auction and allowed for bidding during the period between primary auction and its settlement. |
Direct Participant | DP | A Licensed Commercial Bank, a Primary Dealer or any other person appointed as a Direct Participant by CBSL in terms of the Registered Stock and Securities Ordinance and the Local Treasury Bills Ordinance. A Direct Participant shall have the access to maintain a securities account in the CSD and effect transfers of Scripless Securities on its own behalf. |
Director Risk Management | DRM | |
Disaster Recovery | A subset of Business continuity, that refers to the procedures involved in recovering data, technology and systems through any disaster situation | |
Disaster Recovery Site | DRS | |
Disbursed Outstanding External Debt | DOD | |
Disinflation path | ||
Dissavings of the government | ||
District Office Code | D/O Code | |
Dividend payments | ||
Doing business environment | ||
Domain | A network of computers and devices controlled by an authority according to its regulations and guidelines | |
Domestic Agriculture Development | DAD | |
Domestic Agriculture Development - Pilot Project | DAD-PP | |
Domestic Banking Unit | DBU | |
Domestic Debt Management Committee | DDMC | |
Domestic Inter-Bank Foreign Exchange Market | The market where foreign currency is traded between all authorized dealers in foreign exchange, which comprises from all licensed commercial banks and National Savings Bank. This market helps to manage foreign exchange liquidity within the banking system through currency conversion. | |
Domestic foreign exchange market | ||
Domestic Operations Bond Borrowing Account | DOBB | The account which, Treasury bonds borrowed under the BBS from a third party are transferred temporarily enabling CBSL to use the Treasury bonds for OMOs. |
Domestic Operations Department | DOD | |
Domestic money market | ||
Drawal of a Swap Transaction | Exchanging of swap currencies between the requesting party and the providing party, under the terms and conditions stipulated in a swap agreement. | |
Duration (Public Debt) | The weighted average maturity of the cash flows of a debt security/portfolio. | |
Duration (Risk Management) | Duration is a market risk parameter used to measure the price sensitivity of a financial instruments or a portfolio to interest rate changes. | |
DVPIII | Simultaneous Net Settlement of Securities and Funds Transfers. These systems settle transfer instructions for both securities and funds on a net basis, with final transfer of both occurring at the end of the processing cycle. Settlement may occur once a day or several times a day. |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Economic and Social Statistics of Sri Lanka | ESS | Statistics Department of the CBSL has been publishing ESS on an annual basis, with the objective of providing a single source of information that contains economic and social statistics related to Sri Lanka and neighbouring countries. The booklet is available in both printed and electronic formats and in all three official languages. |
Economic History Museum | EHM | |
Economic Research Department | ERD | |
Electronic Fund Transfer Card | EFTC | A card or a device that enables the user to transfer value in credit, debit or any other form and includes credit cards, debit cards and stored value cards where transaction details could be identified by the ADs for the purposes of being compliant with the provisions of the FEA |
Electronic Return | e-Return | |
Electronic Trading | E-Trading | It is an electronic mechanism which enables traders to connect, place orders and conduct trading activities of eligible instruments such as securities, derivatives and commodities. |
Electronic Trading Platform | ETP | The electronic platform which facilitates Electronic Trading. |
Emigrant | An individual Sri Lankan who has obtained Permanent Residency status or Citizenship in another country, a dual citizen of Sri Lanka whose mother or father was born in Sri Lanka, a non-Sri Lankan citizen whose mother or father was born in Sri Lanka and whose birth has been registered in Sri Lanka, including minors of the said persons. | |
Emigrants’ Remittable Income Account | ERIA | An account introduced for the purpose of repatriation of current income derived in Sri Lanka by an emigrants, only if there is a regulatory requirement in the country where the emigrant is residing permanently, to identify the current income globally derived by such emigrant. |
Employed Population | Persons who worked at least one hour during the reference period, as paid employees, employers, own account workers or contributing family workers are said to be employed. This also includes persons with a job but not at work during the reference period. | |
Employee Share Ownership Plan/ Employee Share Option Scheme | A plan or a scheme under which a company incorporated outside Sri Lanka offers an opportunity to acquire its shares or shares of the group of companies, to employees of its branch or subsidiary in Sri Lanka | |
Employees' Provident Fund | EPF | A mandatory defined contribution retirement scheme for the private and semi-government sector employees who do not enjoy pension benefits. It is the largest superannuation fund in Sri Lanka. |
Employees' Provident Fund Department | EPF | |
Employees' Trust Fund | ETF | All public sector employees who are not entitled to the Govt. Pension Scheme and all private sector employees are members of this Fund while their employers are required to remit 3% of the gross earnings of their employees to the Fund, monthly. Hence, unlike the EPF, only the employer makes a contribution on behalf of the employee/member and hence, it is a non-contributory benefit to the member. |
Employment (in PMI) | Number of employees working for the organisation | |
EMVCo | EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, a global standard that provides specifications for payment chips and other payment technologies | |
Enterprise-wide Risk Management | ERM | Enterprise-Wide Risk Management is the overall management of risk that an organization takes and holds to achieve its strategic objectives. |
Environmental Social and Governance | ESG | ESG is a framework designed to be embedded into an organization’s strategy that considers the needs and ways in which to generate value for all of organizational stakeholders |
EPF Investment Committee | EIC | |
EPF Investment Oversight Committee | EIOC | |
Europian Investment Bank | EIB | |
Exchange Rate Movements | ||
Expected Loss | EL | Expected loss is a credit risk measure which calculates as the sum of the possible losses multiplied by the probability of occurring that loss. |
Expert Panel Discussions | EPD | Discussion centered around a timely topic contributed by Speakers and Panelists representing different aspects of a particular subject with economic interest. |
Export Development Board | EDB | |
Export Unit Value Index | The ratio between export value index and export volume index. | |
Export Value Index | The ratio of the export values between the current period and the base period. | |
Export Volume Index | The ratio of the export quantities between the current period and the base period | |
Extended Fund Facility | EFF | |
External Commercial Borrowing Account | ECBA | Account maintained by the resident borrower (other than Licensed Commercial Banks, Licensed Specialized Bank, the Government of Sri Lanka and State owned enterprises) to credit proceeds of the foreign borrowings obtained by persons resident outside Sri Lanka, under the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 |
External current account deficit | ||
External Manager | An entity who is retained by the Monetary Board or an Investment Vehicle to manage a portfolio of securities or other assets for various objectives including return enhancement, diversification and/or for technical knowhow. |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Face Value | FV | Value of government securities at maturity. |
Facilities Management Department | FMD | |
Fan chart | A chart representing realised data and forecasts of a given variable, together with confidence bands for forecasts, highlighting the uncertainty over the same | |
Federal Fund Target Rate | FFTR | The Federal fund rate that sets by the Federal Open Markets Committee (FOMC). This rate is used to guide overnight lending among U.S. banks and is set as a range between an upper and lower limit. |
File Transfer Protocol | FTP | A set of rules followed by computers when transferring files over the internet from one system to another |
Finance Department | FD | |
Financial Action Task Force | FATF |
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog. The inter-governmental body sets international standards that aim to prevent these illegal activities and the harm they cause to society. As a policy-making body, the FATF works to generate the necessary political will to bring about national legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas. The FATF has developed the FATF Recommendations, or FATF Standards, which ensure a co-ordinated global response to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, funding for weapons of mass destruction and organised crimes and corruptions. The FATF monitors countries to ensure they implement the FATF Standards fully and effectively and holds countries to account that do not comply. |
Financial Acquirer |
Any person who makes arrangements with third parties to accept payment cards of cardholders as a means of payment and reimburses those third parties with the value of the goods or services purchased by the cardholder, and/or who reimburses such third parties for cash advances obtained by the cardholders |
Financial Consumer Protection | FCP | |
Financial Consumer Relations Department | FCRD | |
Financial Inclusion Survey | FIS | |
Financial Information Network | FInNet | Financial Information Network (FInNet) is a system which facilitate to collect regulatory reporting data from Licensed Commercial Banks (LCBs), Primary Dealers (PDs) and Leasing Companies daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis |
Financial Institutions | FIs | Institutions engaged in finance business as defined in the Financial Transactions Reporting Act, No. 6 of 2006 |
Financial Intelligence Unit | FIU | The Financial Intelligence Unit of Sri Lanka was established in March 2006 in terms of the provisions of the Financial Transactions Reporting Act No. 06 of 2006 (FTRA) under the Ministry of Finance. The FIU functions as an independent institution within the administrative structure of the CBSL in terms of the order made by H.E the President under the FTRA to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other related crimes in Sri Lanka in line with international recommendations and standards. |
Financial Interconnectedness | Financial interconnectedness is the network of financial linkages resulting from credit exposures, trading links, other relationships and dependencies between financial Institutions. Financial Interconnectedness is an important dimension of systemic Risk. Financial interconnectedness is of two folds viz. direct financial interconnectedness and indirect financial interconnectedness. | |
Financial Intermediary | FI | The process of channeling funds between parties who has surplus funds and fund deficits. |
Financial Risk | Financial risk is a risk of loosing the value of investments due to certain expected and unexpected factors and can broadly be categorized as market, credit, liquidity and operational risk. | |
Financial Service Provider | FSP | |
Fintech | The technology and innovation that aims to support or enable banking and financial services | |
Firewall | A guarding barrier in between networks that blocks unauthorized communication coming from outside networks including the internet | |
Fiscal Consolidation | ||
Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act | FMRA | |
Fiscal stimulus measures | ||
Fitch Ratings | Fitch | |
Fixed Deposit | FD | |
Fixed Income Quote | FIQ | |
Fixed Income Securities | FIS | Fixed income securities are instruments which give fixed and regular stream of cash flow to the investor. |
Flexible Inflation Targeting | FIT | Monetary policy conducted under a flexible inflation targeting (FIT) framework is aimed at stabilising inflation around the inflation target while minimising disturbance to the real economy |
Floating Rate Bond | A bond that has a variable coupon equal to a money market reference rate, like LIBOR plus a spread. The spread is a value that remains constant. | |
Forecasting and Policy Analysis System | FPAS | A system of tools and related processes designed to support forward-looking monetary policy formulation based on economic data and analyses |
Foreign airline | Any ‘foreign air operator’ within the meaning of the Civil Aviation Act, No. 14 of 2010 (as amended) which is a resident outside Sri Lanka | |
Foreign Currency | Any currency other than Sri Lankan currency. | |
Foreign Currency SWAP | ||
Foreign Currency Term Financing Facility | FCTFF | |
Foreign Direct Investment | FDI | |
Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 | FEA | |
Foreign Exchange Cash Transaction | CASH | Outright purchase of one currency amount against another currency, at the agreed foreign exchange rate, settled on the transaction execution date (t0). |
Foreign Exchange Forward Transaction | Forward | Outright purchase of one currency amount against another currency, at the agreed foreign exchange rate, settled by delivery on an agreed future date exceeding two business days after the transaction execution date. |
Foreign Exchange Tom Transaction | TOM | Outright purchase of one currency amount against another currency, at the agreed foreign exchange rate, settled on the next business day after the transaction execution date (t0+1). |
Foreign inward remittances | ||
Foreign Shipping line | Any shipping line within the meaning of the Licensing of Shipping Agency Act, No. 10 of 1972 (as amended) which is a resident outside Sri Lanka | |
Form ‘83’ | The summary of EPF contribution payments & individual accounts performed by a relevant employer for one account year, who sent C 03 form but does not send contributions electronically even with more than 150 employees. | |
Form ‘C 01’ | The form which should be sent by the employers with more than 50 employees, who have not yet registered to submit EPF contributions electronically along with monthly EPF contributions. | |
Form ‘C 03’ | The form which should be sent by the employers who has paid the EPF contributions on a monthly basis through C 01 form, to send the details of the contributions to be made to the members' accounts. | |
Form ‘C’ | The form which contains the details of contributions to be made to the members accounts & forwarded along with contributions to the Department of Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF Department) by the employers with less than 50 employees on monthly basis. | |
Form ‘CL 01’ | The form should be forwarded through Labour Department along with the ‘C’ form & the first installment to be credited under proportionate method when paying arrears EPF contributions or contributions paying after legal actions on installment basis. | |
Form ‘CL 02’ | The form which contains the details of contributions to be sent when forwarding the relevant other installments of the EPF Contributions to the FPF Department under proportionate method when submitted the CL 01 form to the respective case. | |
Form ‘CL 03’ | The form to be sent by the Labour Department with ‘C’ form to credit to the several installments of the EPF contributions in to individual member accounts proportionately, which are remained at the Commissioner of Labor account of the EPF Department. | |
Form ‘CR’ | The form issued to confirm the receipt of monthly EPF contribution paid by the employers to the EPF. | |
Form ‘D’ | An application that should be completed & submitted to the Labour Department to register their employment in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) after a business entity has started & recruited employees. | |
Form ‘EM1’ | This is the form that need to be submitted by an employer in for registering for submitting the EPF contributions through electronic media. | |
Form ‘K’ | Application to be submitted to claim the refund of EPF. | |
Form ‘N’ | The form which should be forwarded when transferring a Private Fund to the EPF Department with the approval of the Commissioner of Labor (EPF) stating the audited details of the accounts to be accounted under the EPF accounts. | |
Form ‘Q’ | The form to be forwarded to the EPF Department with the approval of the Commissioner of Labor (EPF) to refund the erroneously paid or excess EPF contributions to the EPF within one year after payment of contributions. | |
Form ‘RR 02’ | The form to be completed by an employer to rectify the discrepancy between the name of the National Identity Card of an employee who has already paid EPF contributions & the name of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka & re-register the member details with the EPF Department as per the information in the National Identity Card. | |
Form ‘RR 06’ | The form to be completed & sent by the employer stating the members who are paying EPF contributions under their employer & registering them with the EPF Department as per the information contained in their National Identity Card. | |
Form ‘WR1’ | The Application Form required to be completed & submitted to Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) Department of Central Bank to register for the Online/ Short Message Service (SMS) balance inquiry facility. When a member obtains the EPF Online balance inquiry facility he would be able to view his current balance, contribution history, status of the refund application, status of the housing loan application. | |
Form ‘WR2’ | The Application Form required to be completed & submitted to EPF Department of Central Bank to add new EPF member accounts to the EPF Online balance inquiry facility when he has already registered for the online balance inquiry facility. | |
Form 1 | Sales of foreign exchange | |
Form 2 | Purchases of foreign exchange | |
Free on board | FOB | An incoterm meaning the price, excluding insurance and freight. |
Free trade agreement | FTA | An arrangement that establishes unimpeded exchange and flow of goods and services between trading partners, regardless of national borders of member countries. |
Front office | FO | Front office is the unit which involves in trading and investment activities with counterparties. |
Frosted Proof Coins | Uncirculated commemorative coin with a mirror like background with frosted design elements. Typically these coins are minted manually to bring out the details in design | |
Fund Management Departments | FMDs | |
Fund Transfer | FT |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
General Insurance | Insurance contracts that do not come under the ambit of life insurance are called general insurance. The different forms of general insurance are fire, marine, motor, accident and other miscellaneous non-life insurance. | |
General Sales Agent | GSA | A person authorized to carry on business as a general sales agent in Sri Lanka on behalf of a foreign airline (foreign principal) with a valid license or authorization letter issued by the Director General of Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka |
Generalised System of Preferences Plus Scheme | GSP+ | A special component of the GSP scheme that provides additional trade incentives to developing countries already benefitting from GSP |
Genuine Currency Notes | Currency notes issued by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka | |
Golden Paradise Foreign Currency Account | GPFCA | Special Foreign Currency Accounts in the name of foreign nationals who wish to stay in Sri Lanka on 10 years resident Visas under the “Golden Paradise Visa Programme” implemented by the Department of Immigration and Emigration |
Government of Sri Lanka | GOSL | |
Grace Period | Period of time provided for in a loan agreement for commencement of repayment of the loan. | |
Grant Element | A measure of concessionally of a loan, calculated as the difference between the face value of the loan and the sum of discounted future debt service payments to be made by the borrower expressed as a percentage of the face value of the loan. | |
Green House Gases | GHGs | Gases that contribute to the natural greenhouse effect. The Kyoto Protocol covers a basket of six greenhouse gases (GHGs) produced by human activities that will increase the risk of global warming and climate change |
Gross Domestic Product | GDP | GDP is the standard measure of estimating market value of the value added created through the production of goods and services in a country during a certain period. |
Gross National Product | GNP | |
Gross Official Reserves | GOR | Gross Official Reserves mainly comprise of the holdings of foreign assets of the Central Bank (including gold holding), SDR holding, the country’s reserve position with the International Monetary Fund and the holdings of foreign assets of the Government. |
Gross Written Premiums | Total revenue from a contract expected to be received by an insurer before deductions for reinsurance or ceding commissions. | |
Growth at Risk | Growth at Risk framework predicts the growth distribution of GDP conditional on an index of macrofinancial conditions. The framework quantifies macrofinancial risks in terms of growth and monitor the evolution of risks to economic activity over time. |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Harmonized system | HS | A method of classifying goods in international trade developed by the World Customs Organization |
Headline inflation | Headline inflation refers to the rate of change in the consumer price index and measures the total inflation within an economy. | |
High Level Seminars | HLS | Discussion centered around a timely topic with the participation of Speakers and Panelists with foreign exposure, representing different facets of a particular subject. The audience of HLS are high level professionals from the related areas |
High risk premia | ||
Host | A host machine can be a server, client or any other type of a computer that is accessible over a network | |
Household Income and Expenditure Survey | HIES | |
Housing Loan | HL | |
Human Resources Department | HRD | |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol | HTTP | A set of rules used by information systems that enables users to ineteract with World Wide Web data on the internet. When a URL is entered to the browser an HTTP instruction is sent to the web server demanding it to find and view the required web page |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
IEL | The ledger containing the balance at the end of the year in each member's accounts after balancing the annual accounts. | |
Immediate family members under Regulations No 1 and 4 of 2021 | The parents, spouse, and children of the relevant person. | |
Immediate family members under Regulations No 2 of 2021 | The parents, grandparents, spouse, and children of the relevant person. | |
Immediate family members under Regulations No 3 of 2021 | The parents, grandparents, siblings and spouse of the relevant person. | |
Impact | The damage a risk event would cause in the event it materializes. | |
Import Unit Value Index | The ratio between import value index and import volume index | |
Import Value Index | The ratio of the import values between the current period and the base period | |
Import Volume Index | The ratio of the import quantities between the current period and the base period | |
Index Linked Bond | A bond, which pays a coupon that, varies according to some underlying index usually the Consumer Price Index. | |
Index of Industrial Production | IIP | |
Indirect Financial Interconnectedness | This refers to channels through which distress of a financial institute can affect another financial institution even in the absence of direct relationships. Exposure to common assets, shadow banking, fire sales, margin calls and haircuts and information spillovers are a few examples of indirect financial interconnectedness. | |
Industrial Development Board | IDB | |
Inflation | A constant rise in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over the year. There are two measures of inflation in general use. Those are Year-on-Year base Inflation and Moving average Inflation. | |
Inflation outlook | ||
Information Technology | IT | |
Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing | IT/BPO | |
Information Technology Department | ITD | |
Inherent Risk | The amount of risk that exists assuming there are no mitigating controls in place. | |
Initial Public Offering | An initial public offering is a public offering in which shares of a company are sold to institutional investors and retail investors for the first time. | |
Input Prices (in BOS) | Indicates the input prices (raw material prices or prices of other inputs such as labour) during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter as compared to corresponding quarter of the last year | |
Insurance Policyholder | A person or entity who owns or controls an insurance policy and has the privilege to exercise the rights outlined in the contract. This party is often, but not always, the insured and may or may not be one of the policy’s beneficiaries. | |
Interbank Call Money Market | ||
Interest Rate Risk | Interest rate risk is the risk of changing the value of an asset when interest rates changes in the market. | |
Interest Service | INT | |
Interest Subsidy | IS | One of the tools that are used to expand the access to finance. GOSL or CBSL or a donor agency may provide funds to provide interest subsidy to the financial institutions under interest subsidy schemes in order to encourage the financial institutions to lend by using their own funds to economic sectors, which involve high credit risk. |
Internal Audit Department | IAD | |
Internal Investment Oversight Committee | IIOC | |
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | IBRD | |
International Development Agency | IDA | |
International Finance Corporation | IFC | |
International Fund For Agricultural Development | IFAD | |
International Monetary Fund | IMF | |
International Operations Department | IOD | |
International Reserve Investment Oversight Committee | IRIOC | |
International Securities Identification Number | ISIN | An identification number allocated to distinguish the type of security, tenure and date of maturity of government securities |
International Sovereign Bond | ISB | |
Internet Protocol address | IP address | An identification number which is unique to each computer Eg: |
Intra Day Liquidity | Funds, which can be accessed during a business day and settled on the same day, usually to enable financial institutions to make payments on real time. | |
Intra-day Liquidity Facility | ILF | An intra-day interest free funding facility provided to PIs by the CBSL to facilitate smooth operation of the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) System. |
Intraday Volatility of the Exchange Rate | Exchange rate movements within a day. | |
Investment (in BOS) | Indicates the investment level during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter as compared to corresponding quarter of the last year | |
Investment Guidelines | IG | |
Investment Management and Accounting System | IMAS | |
Investment Oversight Committees | IOCs | |
Investment Policy Statement | IPS | |
Inward Investment Account | IIA | An account introduced for channelling inward remittances in respect of permitted capital transactions in Sri Lanka by non-resident investors and repatriation of any return of such investments. |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Key Rate Duration | Key rate duration is a measure of how sensitive a debt security’s price is when its yield changes by 1% for a certain maturity while all other maturities are held constant. | |
Know Your Customer | KYC | The mandatory process of identifying and verifying the customer's identity when entering into relationships with FIs or DNFBPs |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Labour Force | The current economically active population, i.e. the number of persons (aged 15 years and above), who are employed or unemployed during the reference one-week period. | |
Labour Force Participation Rate | LFPR | |
Labour Productivity | Measured in terms of Gross Value Added (GVA) (in 2010 prices) per hour worked | |
Land Price Index | LPI | LPI was compiled by the Statistics Department of the CBSL using per perch bare land prices obtained from the Government Valuation Department covering all 13 DS divisions in the Colombo District on a semi-annual basis. From 2nd half of 2019 onwards LPI is renamed as LVI and released on a semi-annual basis. |
Land Valuation Indicator | LVI | LVI which is previously known as LPI, is compiled by the Statistics Department of the CBSL using per perch bare land prices obtained from the Government Valuation Department covering all 13 DS divisions in the Colombo District on a semi-annual basis. |
LankaPay (Pvt.) Ltd | LPPL | LankaPay (Pvt.) Ltd (LPPL) which was previously named as Lankaclear (Pvt.) Ltd, is the national payment network that functions under the guidance and supervision of the CBSL. |
LANKAQR | LANKAQR is the National Quick Response (QR) Code standard for local currency payments in Sri Lanka, introduced by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) | |
LankaSecure Net | The internet based online viewing facility for the investors in Govt. Securities recorded in the Central Depository System | |
LankaSecure System | The Scripless Securities Settlement System and the Central Depository System established and operated by CBSL in terms of the Monetary Law Act | |
LankaSettle System | Real-Time Gross Settlement System and the LankaSecure System established and operated by CBSL in terms of the Monetary Law Act | |
Legal & Compliance Department | LCD | |
Legal Rate | Legal Rate is applicable to any legal action for the recovery of a sum of money | |
Legal Tender | All currency notes and coins issued by the Central Bank shall be valid in Sri Lanka for the payment of any amount | |
Lender of last resort | ||
Lending rate caps | ||
Letter of Acceptance of Payments of Outstanding Bills due to Contractors and Suppliers of the Government | LAPC | A letter issued by the Government Treasury to contractors and suppliers of the Government confirming the outstanding payments from the Government to enable such contractors and suppliers to use the letter as a security to obtain loans from LCBs under special loan schemes introduced by the CBSL during the Covid-19 pandemic |
Letter of Credit | LCs | A document issued by the importer´s bank stating its commitment to honor a draft, or otherwise pay, on presentation of specific documents by the exporter within a stated period of time |
Library and Information Centre | LIC | |
Licensed Commercial Bank | LCB | |
Licensed Finance Companies | LFCs | |
Licensed Specialized Bank | LSB | |
Likelihood | The probability of a risk event occurring | |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas | LPG | |
Liquidity | Liquidity refers to the ability to convert an asset into cash without affecting its market price. | |
Liquidity buffers |
Liquidity Coverage Ratio |
LCR | |
Liquidity Facility to the Contractors and Suppliers |
LFCS | A special loan scheme introduced by the CBSL for contractors and suppliers of the Government to obtain loans from LCBs against a Letter of Acceptance of Payments of Outstanding Bills due to Contractors and Suppliers of the Government issued by the Government Treasury during the Covid-19 pandemic |
Liquidity Risk | Liquidity risk Is the risk that a financial institutions fails to meet its financial obligations, without incurring a substantial loss. | |
Liquidity Support Facility | LSF | A Reverse Repo auction available for SPDs under OMOs |
Loan Scheme | LS | |
Loan to Value Ratio | LTV | Measures the relationship between the loan amount and the market value of the asset securing the loan. |
Local Treasury Bills Ordinance | LTBO | Local Treasury Bills Ordinance No. 8 of 1923 (as amended) |
London Inter-Bank Offered Rate | LIBOR | The London Inter Bank Offered Rate. This rate is used as a reference rate by the international banking markets and is commonly the basis on which lending/borrowing margins are fixed. |
Long Term | LT | Tenor of the auctions conducted more than 7 days (more than one week) under OMOs with the view to absorb/inject liquidity from/to the market on term basis |
Long Term Credit Rating | LTCR | |
Long-term Insurance | Refers to life insurance |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Macrofinancal feedback loops | Adverse condition in the macroeconomy affecting a component in the financial system which in turn will impact the macroeconomy again which will continue in form of a loop | |
Macroprudential measures | ||
Macroprudential policy | Policies aimed at maintaining financial system stability and avoiding systemic risk | |
Macroprudential Surveillance Department | MSD | |
Management Committee | MC | The Committee established under National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) which will supervise the day-to-day implementation of the NFIS and ensure that progress adheres to the implementation plan and the guidance of the NFIC |
Market capitalisation | Market capitalisation is the total number of issued shares of listed Companies, multiplied by their respective prices at a given time. This figure reflects the broad value of the market at that time. | |
Market deposit interest rates | ||
Market Lending Rates | ||
Market Operations Committee | MOC | A committee entrusted with the task of translating overall monetary policy considerations adopted by the Monetary Board into daily monetary operations. In terms of monetary policy implementation, the MOC decides on the required actions in relation to liquidity management, taking into consideration the estimated liquidity conditions, desired level of the operating target, liquidity distribution among market participants, the need for devising appropriate market signals, etc |
Market Rate | Market Rate is applicable only in relation to legal actions instituted by lending institutions for the recovery of debt exceeding Rs. 150,000 arising out of commercial transactions, where there is no agreed rate of interest | |
Market Risk | Market risk encompasses the risk of financial losses resulting from movements in market prices and includes interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, equity price risk & the commodity price risk. | |
Market Volatility | Market volatility is how much and how quickly prices move over a given span of time. | |
Maturity | In case of a security (financial instrument) maturity is the amount and date the issuer has promised to redeem the issue by paying the principal value. The number of days or years until the date of redemption is called the maturity period. | |
Maximum Retail Price | MRP | |
Medium and Long-Term Debt Service | MLDS | |
Medium Term Debt Management Strategy | MTDS | |
Medium Term Fiscal Framework | MTFF | |
Memorandum of Understanding | MoU | |
Merchandise trade deficit | ||
Micro Finance | MF | |
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | MSME | |
Mid-single digit levels | ||
Middle Office | MO | Middle Office conduct risk analysis & performance analysis of trading/investment activities. |
Middle Rate of the USD/LKR SPOT Exchange Rate | The weighted average rate of all actual USD/LKR Spot transactions executed in the domestic inter-bank foreign exchange market, including the CBSL spot interventions carried out via “Request for Quote (RFQ)” method throughout the previous/ latest available business day. | |
Migration Allowance | A quota permitted for emigrants who is aged 18 years or above to claim proceeds of realised from any asset in Sri Lanka which was owned/acquired/inherited/ received as a gift by such emigrants. | |
Ministry of Finance | MOF | |
Mobile payment application | A payment made for a product or service through computer program or software application that enables making payments using a mobile device such as a tablet or mobile phone | |
Mobile phone based E-money System | Mobile phone based e-money systems issue monetary value upon receipt of funds, which can be stored electronically for the purpose of payments. | |
Monetary aggregates | ||
Monetary Board | MB | |
Monetary Law Act | MLA | |
Monetary Policy Consultative Committee | MPCC | |
Monetary policy measures | ||
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing | ML/TF | Money Laundering is the process by which proceeds from a criminal activity are disguised to conceal their illicit origin. Terrorist financing is the financing of terrorist acts, and of terrorists and terrorist organisations. |
Money Market | MM | |
Money Market Instruments | MMI | Financial instruments, that are easily convertible into cash for the purposes of short-term lending and borrowing, with maturities ranging from a day to a year. |
Money printing | Money printing is the process of supplying fresh money to the economy by the Central Bank | |
Money services | Any services relating to money, including safekeeping, money transmission, cheque encashment, or currency exchange, and other similar services | |
Monitoring & Evaluation System | M&E System | |
Month on month basis Inflation | The percentage change of the current month Consumer Price Index(CPI) over previous month CPI. | |
Moody’s Investors Service | Moody's | |
Mortgage backed housing loans | ||
Mortgage-Backed Securities | MBS | A mortgage-backed security is a special type of asset backed security backed by mortgage loans. |
Multidimensional Poverty Index | ||
Multilateral Net Settlement Clearing Balances | MLNSB | Multilateral Net Settlement Balances (MLNSB) is the net balances which are generated by LPPL through its Cheque Clearing, SLIPS Clearing, Common ATM Switch Clearing, Common Electronic Fund Transfer Switch Clearing and Common Point of Sales Clearing systems of Licensed Commercial Banks (LCBs) |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
National Agribusiness Development Programme | NADeP | |
National Consumer Price Index | NCPI | The NCPI demonstrates the price movment of selcted goods and services consumed by households at national level. |
National Crafts Council | NCC | |
National Financial Inclusion Council | NFIC | The Council established under National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) which provide overall leadership, policy guidance, and strategic direction for the NFIS and oversee the NFIS implementation with the support from Management Committee and the Secretariat. |
National Financial Inclusion Strategy | NFIS | Strategy for individuals and enterprises in Sri Lanka can access high-quality, appropriate, secure, and affordable services based on their needs and make an informed choice and use these services efficiently and effectively to support their economic activities and improve the quality of their lives. |
National Payment Council | NPC | |
National Steering Committee | NSC | |
Nationally Determind Contributions | NDCs | The Paris Agreement requests each country to outline and communicate their post-2020 climate actions, known as their NDCs that includes commitments by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change |
NCPI Core | NCPI Core | Excluding Volatile Food, Energy and Transport from the NCPI basket |
Near Field Communication | NFC | A short range wireless technology that allows devices with NFC chips to communicate securely with each other usually by a physical device touch or when placed within very close proximity |
Net Credit to the Government | NCG | |
Net Domestic Assets | NDA | |
Net Foreign Assets | NFA | |
Net Foreign Exchange Open Position | NOP | An excess of assets (including off-balance sheet items) over liabilities (including off-balance sheet items) or an excess of liabilities (including off-balance sheet items) over assets (including off-balance sheet items) held by a financial institution denominated in a foreign currency at the given date/ point of time. |
Net Present Value | NPV | |
New Comprehensive Rural Credit Scheme | NCRCS | |
New Orders (in PMI) | The volume of new sales orders | |
Nominal Effective Exchange Rate | NEER | |
Non-Conventional Renewable Energy | NCRE | Non-Conventional Renewable Energy sources such as Solar, Biomass, Dendro, Wind Power & etc. |
Non Performing Loans | NPLs | |
Non-Financial Risk Management Committee | NFRMC | |
Non-Financial Risks | Risks excluding financial risks | |
Non-Governmental Organization | NGO | A voluntary social service organization registered under the National Secretariat for Non-Governmental Organizations in terms of the Voluntary Social Service Organizations [Registration and Supervision] Act, No. 31 of 1980 and any amendment thereto. |
Non-Resident Rupee Account | NRRA |
A Sri Lanka Rupee account introduced for,
Nostro Account |
An account that a bank holds in a foreign currency in another bank in a foreign country. |
Note Series | A collection of denominations of currency notes issued under a specific theme | |
Novation | Replacement of a contract between the original counterparties with two new contracts; one between the buyer’s clearing agent and the CCP, and another between the CCP and the seller’s clearing agent | |
Nuclear Gold Reserve | The minimum level of gold reserves that the Monetary Board shall endeavour to hold. | |
Numismatic | A study or collection of currency |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Official Prices | Prices calculated by the CBSL of all available Treasury bill and Treasury bond ISINs based on the secondary market yield rates (quotes) published by the Public Debt Department (PDD). These official prices are used by the AS400 and Scripless Securities Settlement System (SSSS) to value collateral securities | |
Off-shore Banking Unit | OBU | |
One Time Password | OTP | An auto generated string of numeric or alphanumeric characters used to authenticate a user for a single transaction or login session |
Online Electronic Bidding System | OEBS | AS400 System that facilitates auctions under OMOs and access to standing facilities by the PIs |
Open account | A payment term under which the buyer promises to pay the seller within a predetermined number of days | |
Open Banking | The process of customers giving consent to third-party service providers to access their financial data held in financial institutions in order to obtain value-added services. | |
Open Market Operations | OMO | OMOs are the market based monetary policy operations conducted by the CBSL using acceptable securities (government securities and the CBSL’s own securities) to maintain market liquidity at appropriate levels and ensure stability in interest rates in line with the monetary policy stance of the CBSL. OMOs are used to steer the overnight interbank interest rates (AWCMR) along a desired path within the Standing Rate Corridor (SRC) by managing liquidity in the domestic money market so as to be consistent with the prevailing monetary policy stance |
Operated Kilometres | ||
Operating Instructions | OIs | Operating guidelines issued by the Regional Development Department of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to implement a credit scheme including refinance, interest subsidy and credit guarantee from time to time. |
Operational loss | ||
Operational Risk | Risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems or from external events. | |
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries | OPEC | |
Output Prices (in BOS) | Indicates the sales prices during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter as compared to corresponding quarter of the last year | |
Outright Transactions | Transactions by which ownership (title) of the securities are transferred permanently from seller to buyer. | |
Outstanding domestic debt | ||
Outstanding External Debt | OED | |
Outstanding foreign debt | ||
Outward Investment Account | OIA | An account introduced for channelling outward remittances in respect of permitted capital transactions outside Sri Lanka by resident persons and receipt of any return of such investments into Sri Lanka. |
Overdraft | OD | A deficit in a current account held with an LCB caused by drawing more money than the money available in the account |
Overnight Policy Rate | OPR | The policy interest rate of the Central Bank under the single policy interest rate mechanism (w.e.f. 27 November 2024) |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Para tariffs | Import taxes other than general custom duty | |
Parent Migration Scheme | A scheme operated by a foreign country enabling Sri Lankan parents of a person who has obtained permanent residency status or citizenship in that country, to obtain permanent residency status in such foreign country. | |
Parity Variance | Effect of the appreciation/ depreciation of foreign currencies against the local currency on the existing foreign currency debt portfolio stated in the local currency. | |
Participating Institutions | PIs | Financial Institutions such as Licensed Commercial Banks (LCBs) and Standalone Primary Dealers (Companies appointed as Primary Dealers except LCBs) as well as the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) who are conducting operations with the CBSL |
Participatory Financial Institution | PFI | |
Pay-As-You-Earn Tax | PAYE tax | |
Payment card | Any card, plate, coupon book, or other device, including a code or any other means of access to an account, stored value or credit that may be used from time to time to obtain money or to make payment and includes a debit, charge, credit and stored-value card | |
Payment detail file for paying through electronic media | EVEMP | |
Payment instrument | Cheque, draft, money order, traveller’s cheque, payment card or other instrument for the transmission or payment of money or monetary value, whether or not negotiable. The term does not include a credit card voucher, letter of credit, or instrument that is redeemable by the issuer only in goods or services | |
Payment system | A system or arrangement for the communication, processing, exchange, clearance or settlement of payment orders and other messages effecting, ordering, enabling, or facilitating the making of payments money transmission, money withdrawals, or transfers of monetary value | |
Payments & Settlements Department | PSD | |
Percentage Points | pps | |
Person | Any natural or legal person | |
Personal Foreign Currency Account | PFCA | Foreign Currency Account for eligible individuals |
Personal Identification Number | PIN | A numeric code which the cardholder or customer may need to quote for verification of identity when using payment cards, accessing Internet banking or mobile payment apps. |
Persons’ resident in Sri Lanka | Persons determined as ‘residents’ in terms of the Order issued under Section 31 of the Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 | |
Phishing | A trick scammers do to obtain private information from vulnerable users. Scammers send fabricated e-mails that seem to be from legitimate websites, requiring users to click on certain malicious links through which personal data may be stolen | |
Point of Sale (POS) terminal | POS terminal | POS terminals allow customers to make payments through credit, debit and stored value cards at merchants’ outlets |
Policy Review and Monitoring Department | PRMD | |
Port Terminal operators | Include Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Ltd., Sri Lanka Ports Authority, South Asia Gateway Terminals (Pvt) Ltd. and Colombo International Container Terminals Ltd | |
Portfolio Management Unit | PMU | |
Ports and Airports Development Levy | PAL | |
Potential Exposure | PE | |
Poverty Alleviation Microfinance Project | PAMP | |
Poverty Alleviation Microfinance Project -Revolving Fund | PAMP - RF | |
Poverty Head Count Index | ||
Preferential trade agreements | ||
Price-earnings ratio | The ratio of a company's/ overall market’s share price to the company's/ overall market’s earnings per share. The ratio is used for valuing companies/ overall market and to find out whether they are overvalued or undervalued | |
Price-to-book ratio | Price-to-book ratio is a financial ratio used to compare a company's current market value to its book value. | |
Primary Dealer | PD | An institution appointed by CBSL under the LTBO and the RSSO to participate in the Primary Auctions of Government Securities, and to hold and transact Scripless Securities for itself and for its customers. |
Primary Market | Market is where the instruments are first created and issued to the investors for the first time. | |
Primary Market Weighted Average Yield Rates | PMWAYR | |
Private- Public- Producers Partnership | 4P | |
Private Sector Credit | PSC | |
Probability of Default | PD | |
Profitability (in BOS) | Indicates the profit level during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter as compared to corresponding quarter of the last year | |
Profits after tax of the banking sector | ||
Profits and dividends | ||
Project Management Unit | PMU | |
Property Price Indices | Statistics Department of the CBSL currently compiles four property price indices covering the Colombo District. The Price Index for new condominiums is compiled on a quarterly basis using the information gathered through the CMS. Meanwhile, Asking Price Indices are compiled for Condominiums, Houses and Lands on a monthly basis using property advertisement information. These price indices are calculated according to hedonic regression based rolling window time dummy method following international best practices. | |
Provincial Gross Domestic Product | PGDP | PGDP is computed by the Statistics Department of the CBSL, using a top-down approach by disaggregating the nominal GDP compiled by the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS). In the estimation of PGDP for the provinces, the value of each line item in GDP is apportioned using relevant indicators at the provincial level. |
Public Debt Department | PDD | |
Public Private Partnership | PPP | |
Purchasing Managers' Index | PMI | PMI is a monthly survey conducted seperately on a monthly basis for Manufacturing, Construction and Services activities, and the data are considered as high frequency and timely indicators of economic activities |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
QR code Issuer | Financial Institutions which facilitate QR code based payments from current accounts, savings accounts, credit card accounts, and Operators of Mobile Phone Based e-Money Systems | |
QR code Merchant Acquirer | The Financial Institution or Mobile Phone Based e-Money Operator responsible for enrolling merchants, assigning merchant IDs, maintaining merchant records/accounts, and settling merchants. The Merchant Acquirer also facilitates generation of merchant presented LANKAQR code | |
Quarterly Projection Model | QPM | A semi-structural macroeconomic model of a quarterly frequency used by the Central Bank to undertake medium term macroeconomic projections |
Quick Response code | QR code | An ISO 18004-compliant encoding and visualization of data which is a machine-readable code, typically used for storing URLs or other information for reading by the camera on a smartphone. |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Real economy | ||
Real Effective Exchange Rate | REER | The REER is computed by adjusting the Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) for inflation differentials with the countries whose currencies are included in the basket |
Real Estate Investment Trusts | REITS | A company or a fund, listed and traded on an exchange, whose purpose is to invest in property or finance income-generating real estate/infrastructure. REITs pool the capital of numerous investors and, similarly to a mutual fund, sells shares in those investments, providing the holder with exposure to real estate investment without buying, managing or financing any properties themselves. |
Real Time Gross Settlement System | RTGS | Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS) is an electronic fund settlement system which processes and settles each payment instruction individually and irrevocably on real time basis using funds in the participants’ Settlement Accounts in the RTGS System |
Recurrent expenditure | ||
Receipts in exports of goods and non-factor Services including workers’ remittances and Compensation of employees. | XGS | |
Receive versus Payment | RVP | Transfer (receipt) of ownership of securities and the underlying transfer of funds are realized simultaneously on real time. |
Regional Development Department | RDD | |
Regional Office - Anuradhapura | RO-ANU | |
Regional Office - Kilinochchi | RO-KIL | |
Regional Office - Matale | RO-MAL | |
Regional Office - Matara | RO-MAT | |
Regional Office - Nuwara Eliya | RO-NUW | |
Regional Office - Trincomalee | RO-TRI | |
Registered Stocks and Securities Ordinance | RSSO | Registered Stock and Securities Ordinance No. 7 of 1937 (as amended) |
Regulatory Sandbox | A framework set up by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to allow small scale, live testing of innovations by select entities, in a controlled environment (operating under a special exemption, allowance, or other limited, timebound exception) under its supervision. | |
Remittances | Include telegraphic transfers, other interbank transfers, bank drafts, other payment instruments, payments received via other internationally accepted payment mechanisms or platforms and funds received from exchange companies/houses in foreign currency from abroad, other than currency notes | |
Renewal of a Swap Transaction | Extending the maturity period of a swap transaction for a further period of time with an agreed terms and conditions of both parties to the swap agreement. Sometimes it may call as a roll-over of a swap transaction. | |
Repayment Period | The period during which the debt obligation is to be repaid. | |
Repealed Exchange Control Act | ECA | |
Reproduction of Currency Notes | Copying, replicating, imitating or designing any part (more than 25% of a currency note) or the whole of the visual image, contents or appearance of currency notes through illustrations, paintings, photographs, pictures, electronic images, print or electronic media including internet, television and films | |
Repo | A form of temporary deposit by the PIs with the CBSL under OMOs involving the sale of government securities by the CBSL to PIs with an agreement to buy them back at a higher price at a future date | |
Request for a Quote | RFQ | Verbal, electronic or written request for a written quote/ price with an intention to buy/sell in a competitive market. |
Reserve asset position | ||
Reserve Maintenance Period | RMP | The period which LCBs needs maintain their reserves at CBSL. Currently, the RMP is two weeks period |
Reserve money | ||
Resident Guest Foreign Currency Account | RGFCA | Resident Guest Scheme Special Accounts - These special accounts are introduced under the Directions No. 08 of 2021. There are three types of accounts available under this special category. |
Resident Guest Rupee Current Account – Investor’s | RGRCAs - Investors | |
Resident Guest Rupee Current Account – Professionals | RGRCAs - Professionals | |
Resident Guest Scheme | RGS | Special Accounts for of prospective investors and professionals who come to Sri Lanka under ‘Resident Guest Scheme’ implemented by the Department of Immigration and Emigration |
Resident Investor | An eligible resident persons as specified in the Regulations issued under the provisions of FEA, to make permitted capital transactions outside Sri Lanka. | |
Residual Risk | Risk after considering the effectiveness of mitigating control(s) already in place | |
Resolution and Enforcement Department | RED | |
Restricted Dealer | RD | Any person, class or classes of persons not being an authorized dealer, to deal in foreign exchange within Sri Lanka for the purposes specified in the permit, subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Central Bank in that behalf |
Retention Ratio | The percentage of businesses covered by insurance companies that are not transferred to reinsurance. | |
Return on assets | ||
Return on equity | ||
Returned Determination Letter | RDL | |
Reverse Repo | Re-Repo | A form of temporary borrowing by the PIs from the CBSL under OMOs involving the purchase of government securities by the CBSL from PIs with an agreement to sell them back at a higher price at a future date |
Risk Appetite Statement | RAS | Statement that sets out the amount and types of risks that an entity is willing to undertake in order to meet its objectives and its readiness to accept a level of risks subsequent to the application of risk treatments. |
Risk Coordinating Officers | RCOs | |
Risk Management Department | RMD | |
Risk Management Policy Statement | RMPS | |
Risk Matrix | A four-point scale which gives the rating for residual risk, by considering the ratings for aggregate impact and likelihood of the risk events. | |
Risk Weighted Capital Adequacy Ratio | The ratio computed by dividing available capital by the risk weighted assets. | |
Running Cost Ratio | The interest paid as a proportion of the outstanding debt stock at the beginning of the year. | |
Rupee denominated securities | ||
Rupee liquidity | ||
Rupee Loan | A medium to long-term debt instrument issued with maturities more than two years on tap basis or as private placements by the Central Bank on behalf of the government under the Registered Stock and Securities Ordinance. Interest rates of this instrument are determined administratively. | |
Rural Banking and Staff Training College | RB&STC |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Sales (in BOS) | Indicates the sales volume during the current quarter and the expectation for the next quarter as compared to corresponding quarter of the last year | |
Scripless Securities | Treasury bills and Treasury bonds issued in book entry form or as paperless securities. | |
Scripless Security Settlement System | SSSS | A system which facilitates the settlement of transactions in Scripless Securities. |
Secondary Market |
The market where securities are traded and exchanged among buyers and sellers after the securities are issued at the primary market. In case of government securities, Secondary Market is where government securities are traded between market participants /investors subsequent to the first issuance at the primary market. |
Secretariat Department | SEC | |
Secured Overnight Financing Rate | SOFR | The Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a broad measure of the cost of borrowing cash overnight collateralized by Treasury securities Benchmark interest rate for dollar-denominated derivatives and loans that will replace London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). |
Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka | SEC | |
Securities Investment Account | SIA | |
Security Features | Features incorporated in currency notes enabling distinguishing between genuine currency notes and counterfeit notes | |
Security Services Department | SSD | |
Self-Employment Promotion Initiative Loan Scheme | SEPI | |
Sell-buy forex swap | ||
Senior Foreign Nationals’ Fixed Deposit Account (Foreign Currency) | SFNFDA | These special accounts are introduced under the Directions No. 07 of 2021. There are two types of accounts available under this special category. |
Senior Foreign Nationals’ Rupee Accoun | SFNRA | |
Senior Foreign Nationals’ Special Account | SFNSA | Special Accounts for senior foreign nationals who are over 55 years of age and wish to a prolonged stay in Sri Lanka on resident visas under “Sri Lanka – My Dream Home programme” implemented by the Department of Immigration and Emigration |
Server | A specific computer dedicated to serve requests made by other devices or software programs | |
Serviceable/Fit Currency Notes | Currency notes in a good condition that can be continue to be in circulation | |
Settlement Risk | Settlement risk is a type of counterparty risk, where counterparty fails to deliver its obligation as per the terms and conditions to the trade. | |
Shipping Agent | SA | Person authorized to carry on business as a shipping agent in Sri Lanka on behalf of a foreign shipping line (foreign principal) with a valid license or authorization letter issued by the Director General of Merchant Shipping of Sri Lanka |
Short Message Service | SMS | |
Short Selling | The sale of an asset (a security/ stock, commodity futures contract, corporate or sovereign bond) that is not owned by the seller at the time of sale. Short selling are of two kinds, namely “Naked Short Selling and “Covered Short Selling”. | |
Skill Development Program | SDP | A program conducted to improve the business management knowledge of MSMEs |
Small and Medium Enterprises | SME | |
Small Enterprises Development Division | SED | |
Smallholder Agribusiness Partnerships Programme | SAPP | |
Smallholder Tea and Rubber Revitalization | STaRR | |
Social Security Contribution Levy | SSCL | |
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications | SWIFT | An international system that allows member banks to transfer money across borders safely and efficiently |
South East Asian Central Banks | SEACEN | |
Sovereign Bond | A debt security issued by a sovereign government denominated in domestic or a foreign currency. The foreign currency most likely is a hard currency. | |
Sovereign Credit Rating |
A sovereign credit rating is an independent assessment of the creditworthiness of a country or sovereign entity. Sovereign credit ratings can give investors insights into the level of risk associated with investing in the debt of a particular country, including any political risk. At the request of the country, a credit rating agency will evaluate its economic and political environment to assign it a rating. Obtaining a good sovereign credit rating is usually essential for developing countries that want access to funding in international bond markets. |
Sovereign default | ||
Sovereign Risk | The chance that a national government's treasury or central bank will default on their sovereign debt, or else implement foreign exchange rules or restrictions that will significantly reduce or negate the worth of its forex contracts. | |
Special Commodity Levy | SCL | |
Special Drawing Rights | SDR | The unit of account of the International Monetary Fund of which the value is based on a basket of key international currencies. |
Special Deposits Accounts | SDA | SDAs were introduced under the Directions No. 21 of 2021. Further, said Directions was amended by the Directions No. 25 of 2021 and 04 of 2022. |
Special Foreign Currency Account | SFCA | Foreign Currency Accounts specially permitted under the Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 with specific credit and debit limits |
Specialised Leasing Companies | SLCs | |
SFCA – Short Term Loans | Foreign currency account which has been introduced to facilitate payments for import of raw materials for manufacturing of products. | |
Spot Transaction | SPOT | Outright purchase of one currency amount against another currency, at the agreed foreign exchange rate, settled on the second business day after the transaction execution date (t0+2). |
Sri Lanka Development Bond | SLDB | Government bond denominated in USD, issued by Government of Sri Lanka domestically under Foreign Loan Act. 29 of 1957, for the purpose of developmental activities of the country. |
Sri Lanka Inter-bank Payment System | SLIPS | A system that handles pre -authorised small value bulk payments (direct credit and debit transfers) |
Sri Lanka Nation Building Bonds | SLNBB | |
Sri Lanka Prosperity Index | SLPI | SLPI is a composite indicator compiled by the Statistics Department of the CBSL to measure the level of prosperity of the country. The index comprises three sub-indices, i.e. Economy and Business Climate, Well-being of the People and Socio-Economic Infrastructure, measured using 41 variables representing different aspects of prosperity. |
Sri Lanka Socio Economic Data Folder | SLSED | A pocket-size annual publication containing statistical tables and charts on socio economic variables including country comparisons. The booklet is available in both printed and electronic formats and in all three official languages. |
Staff Services Management Department | SSMD | |
Stakeholder Engagement Committee | SEC | The Stakeholder Engagement Committee (SEC) consists of a cross section of stakeholders including eminent professionals, academics, and the private sector personnel |
Standalone Primary Dealer | SPD | Non-bank primary dealers |
Standard and Poor’s | S&P | |
Standing Deposit Facility | SDF | A facility provided for PIs to deposit excess funds at the CBSL at the end of the day |
Standing Deposit Facility Rate | SDFR | The deposit interest rate at which the SDF is provided to PIs, which forms lower bound of the Standing Rate Corridor (SRC) |
Standing Lending Facility | SLF | A collateralised facility provided for PIs to fulfill further shortage of the liquidity requirements from the CBSL at the end of the day |
Standing Lending Facility Rate | SLFR | The interest rate at which the SLF is provided to PIs, which forms the upper bound of the (SRC) |
Standing Rate Corridor | SRC | An interest rate corridor. formed by the SDFR and the SLFR which is linked to OPR with a pre-determined margin |
State Owned Business Enterprises | SOBEs | |
State Owned Enterprises | SOEs | A legal entity that is created by a government in order to partake in commercial activities on the government's behalf. It can be either wholly or partially owned by a government and is typically earmarked to participate in specific commercial activities. |
Statistical base effect | ||
Statistics Department | STD | |
Statutory Liquid Assets Ratio | SLAR | |
Statutory Reserve Ratio | SRR | The statutory reserve ratio (SRR) is the proportion of the deposit liabilities that commercial banks are required to keep as a cash deposit with the Central Bank |
Sterling Overnight Index Average | SONIA | SONIA is based on actual transactions and reflects the average of the interest rates that banks pay to borrow sterling overnight from other financial institutions and other institutional investors. |
Stock of Purchases (in PMI) | Raw materials purchased and kept in a warehouse to be used for production | |
Stored-value Card | A payment card or any other device with access to a stored value that can be used as a means of payment. The term does not include cards that can be used only to settle payment obligations to the issuer of such cards | |
Strategic Asset Allocation | SAA | SAA is the process by which an institution determines the appropriate asset allocation at any point in time to achieve its long-term investment objectives. |
Strategic Risk | Risk events that adversely impact or affect an entity’s business strategy and strategic objectives. | |
Stress Testing | Stress Testing is used to determine the stability of a given sector/institution to withstand potential vulnerabilities emanating from certain unlikely but plausible events or movements in macro-financial variables. | |
Subsidiary Loan Agreement | SLA | Loan agreement entered into by and between the CBSL and each of the PFIs with regard to the implementation of a loan Scheme |
Suppliers' Delivery Time (in PMI) | Time lag between order placement and delivery by the supplier | |
Sustainable Banking Network | SBN | SBN is a voluntary community of financial sector regulators, central banks, industry associations, and environmental regulators from emerging markets committed to advancing sustainable finance for national development priorities, financial market deepening, and stability. International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, acts as the Secretariat to the SBN, playing the role of strategic and technical advisor, as well as global convener to SBN and its members. |
Swap | An agreement or a derivative contract between two parties to exchange cash flows or liabilities from two different financial instruments. | |
Systemic Risk | Systemic risk is the risk of a breakdown of an entire financial system or financial markets caused by idiosyncratic events or conditions of financial sector. Risks associated with an individual entity or multiple of entities may not trigger a systemic risk if such risks can be contained without harming the entire system. | |
Systems Applications and Products | SAP |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Tactical Asset Allocation | TAA | TAA is the asset allocation maintaining in a portfolio deviating from use SAA in order to take its advantage of pricing anomalies available in its market. It is an active management portfolio strategy. |
Tax holidays | ||
Technical Assistance | TA | |
Technology Transfer Program | TTP | A program conducted to improve the technical knowledge of business processes of MSMEs |
Telegraphic Transfer Rates | TT Rates | Exchange rates that banks used to transfer foreign exchange via overseas wire transactions. |
Temporary Resident Visa under Regulation 3 of 2021 | A visa obtained by a citizen of Sri Lanka which falls into a category of visa that entitles the individual to obtain permanent residency status or citizenship in that country at a future date subject to fulfilling specified conditions. | |
Terms of Reference | ToR | |
Terms of Trade | The ratio between the index of export prices and the index of import prices | |
The Convention on the Suppression of Terrorist Financing Act, No. 25 of 2005 | CSTFA | An act which gives effect to the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Financing and prohibits the financing of terrorist acts, terrorists and terrorist organizations, and sets provisions for freezing, seizure and forfeiture of terrorist financing related assets. |
The Financial Transactions Reporting Act, No. 6 of 2006 | FTRA | An Act to provide for the collection of data relating to suspicious financial transactions to facilitate the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of the offences of money laundering and the financing of terrorism respectively ; to require certain institutions to undertake due diligence measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism ; to identify the authority which will be responsible for monitoring the activities of all institutions to whom this act applies ; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto |
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, No. 5 of 2006 | PMLA | An act to prohibit money laundering in Sri Lanka; to provide the necessary measures to combat and prevent money laundering: and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. |
Tight monetary policy stance | ||
Total Debt Service | TDS | |
Training of Trainers | ToT | |
Treasury Bill | T-Bill | A short-term debt instrument issued usually on a discount basis and for maturities of 91, 182, and 364 days by the CBSL on behalf of the government under the Local Treasury Bills Ordinance. |
Treasury Bond | T-Bond | A medium to long-term debt instrument issued by the CBSL on behalf of the government under the Registered Stock and Securities Ordinance. |
Twin deficits |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Un-circulation Standard/Uncirculated Commemorative Coins | Commemorative coins which are not issued into circulation and sold as numismatic items. Typically the selling price of such coin is higher than its’ face value | |
Underlying demand pressures | ||
Underwriting | Underwriting is the process through which an individual or institution takes on financial risk for a fee. This risk most typically involves loans, insurance, or investments. | |
Underwriting Ratio | The amount of a company's net premiums that were allocated to underwriting costs, like commissions to agents and brokers, state and municipal taxes, salaries, benefits and other operational expenses. This ratio is determined by dividing the underwriting expenses total by net premiums earned. | |
Unemployed Population | Persons available and/or looking for work, and who did not work and took steps to find a job during the last four weeks and are ready to accept a job given a work opportunity within next two weeks are said to be unemployed. | |
Unfit Notes | A genuine currency note that has become worn out, badly soiled, disfigured with writing, sustained minor damage while in circulation or willfully mutilated, altered or defaced | |
United Nations Development Programme | UNDP | |
Unitholder | An investor who owns one or more units in an investment trust. A unit is equivalent to a share, or piece of interest. Unitholders are afforded specific rights that are outlined in the trust declaration, which governs the trust's actions. | |
Unserviceable Notes | Currency notes that have become dirty, worn out/badly soiled while in circulation but not mutilated and not in a good condition to reuse | |
Usable Foreign Reserves | Foreign reserves that can be readily available to utilize without any restrictions/encumbrances on the convertibility and usability. | |
Utility costs |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Value Added Tax | VAT | |
Value Chain Player | VCP | Participants in Value Chain |
Value-at-Risk | VaR | VaR is the potential loss of a portfolio over a target time horizon with a given level of confidence, based on projected distribution of asset returns. |
Virtual Currency | A digital representation of value that can be digitally traded and functions as a medium of exchange; and/or a unit of account; and/or a store of value, but does not have legal tender status in any jurisdiction and is not issued nor guaranteed by any jurisdiction | |
Virtual Private Networking | VPN | A secure way to access a network by connecting to a remote access server through another network or the internet |
Volatility |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Weighted Average Cost | WAC | |
Weighted Average Time to Maturity | WATM | |
Weighted Average Yield Rate | WAYR | |
West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Prices | WTI | |
Willfully Mutilated/Altered/Defaced Bank Notes | Currency notes defaced with drawings, words, numbers, signs or symbols where the serial number, date, signature, value, or security feature of the currency note has been altered in any significant way | |
Withholding Tax | WHT | |
Working capital loan | ||
Working Groups | WG | Teams established under National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) to cover NFIS focus areas (digital finance and payments, MSME finance, consumer protection and financial literacy & capacity building) and to cover key three enable (data, infrastructure, and policy tools and enabling regulatory environment) of which act as a consultation forum for NFIS focus areas. |
World Currency Rates | Exchange rates of major foreign currencies against US dollar. | |
World Economic Outlook | WEO |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Year on Year basis Inflation | The percentage change of the current month CPI over same month CPI of the last year | |
Yield | The coupon or discount when expressed as a percentage of the price. | |
Yield Curve | A graphical depiction of the relationship between the yield on the securities and different maturities. | |
Yields on government securities |
Term |
Abbreviation |
Description |
Zero Coupon Bond | A bond that does not pay interest during the life of the bond. Instead, investors buy a zero coupon bond at a deep discount on the face value. The face value of the bond is paid at the maturity. |