Vision, Mission & Values
Our Vision
“A credible and dynamic central bank contributing to the prosperity of Sri Lanka.”
Our vision clearly indicates that the Bank is deeply committed to contributing to the prosperity of Sri Lanka. The term prosperity has a wide connotation: enhancement of the quality of life of people through sustainable wealth creation and inclusion of all segments of the society in enjoying the benefits of development. The Central Bank would facilitate this process by ensuring economic and price stability and financial system stability while providing prudential and pro-active policy recommendations, as the Advisor to the Government on Economic Affairs. In doing so, the Bank would act with the highest degree of integrity and professionalism, earning respect for its objectivity and apolitical stance.
Our Mission
"Maintaining economic and price stability and financial system stability to support sustainable growth through policy stimulus, advice, commitment and excellence.”
Our mission emphasizes the need for the Bank to continuously fulfill its core objectives: economic and price stability (maintenance of a low level of inflation, while attaining macroeconomic equilibrium) and financial system stability (maintenance of stability in the financial system as a whole). The accomplishment of this mission would enable the Bank to create a conducive environment for economic agents to take a long-term view of the economy and make major decisions relating to resource allocation, production, labour supply, investments, consumption and savings, accordingly. Such a long-term focus is essential for sustainable growth and the alleviation of poverty.
The core objectives would be supplemented by appropriate policy recommendations for raising the output of the economy to the long-term potential and desired levels. The Bank's staff, the key input in its operations, would display the highest level of commitment, dedication and excellence in accomplishing the mission so that the Bank would be a model for others to emulate. The staff would also set appropriate benchmarks and service norms, when extending their services to the stakeholders. The Bank would always strive to upgrade its services, even to standards higher than international best practices.
Our Values
Commitment to inspirational leadership
Providing strategic leadership to the financial sector.
Transparency in what we do
Being ready to explain the rationale behind our actions.
Accountability to our key stakeholders - the public, government, financial institutions and employees
Taking responsibility for our policy advice and actions.
Integrity - trust, dependability, honesty
Matching words with deeds by discharging functions ethically in the best interest of our stakeholders
Commitment to professional competence
Dedication, quality and excellence in all we do.
Commitment to lifelong learning, knowledge sharing and innovation
Acquiring the required skills individually and collectively in a rapidly changing world.
Consistency, accuracy and timeliness of all actions taken by the Bank
Earning respect for what we do.
Managing and ensuring operational autonomy for policy formulation and implementation
Providing the organizational freedom for objective decisions.
Urgent and continuous commitment to results and outputs
Bringing a sense of urgency and timeliness into all our actions.
Commitment to collaborative and participatory work practices
Building positive team relationships within the Bank so as to ensure the maximum level of cooperation and team spirit.