Economic and Social Statistics - 2024

Chapter 3 - Prices, Wages and Employment

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3.1 Colombo Consumers’ Price Index
3.2(A) Consumer Price Indices (2002=100)
3.2(B) Consumer Price Indices (2006/07=100)
3.2(C) Consumer Price Indices (2013=100)
3.2(D) Colombo Consumers’ Price Index (2021=100)
3.3(A) Consumers’ Price Indices – National Consumer Price Index
3.3(B) Consumers’ Price Indices – National Consumer Price Index
3.4(A) Producer Price Index
3.4(B) Producer Price Index
3.5 Average Retail Prices of Selected Consumer Items
3.6 Average Retail Prices of Selected Food Items by Province
3.7 Average Producer Prices of Selected Items
3.8 Average Producer Prices of Selected Food Items by Province
3.9 Retail Prices of Selected Food Items in Selected Districts
3.10 Nominal Wage Rate Indices
3.11 Average Daily Wages of Selected Activities
3.12 Minimum Wage Rate Indices of Formal Private Sector Employees
3.13 Wage Rate Indices of Public Sector Employees
3.14 Wage Rate Indices of Informal Private Sector Employees
3.15 All Island Average Wages in the Informal Private Sector 2022
3.16 Cost Indices for Construction
3.17 Population by District and Sector
3.18 Population by Religion and Ethnicity
3.19 Population by District, Religion and Ethnicity 2012 Census
3.20 Mid Year Population by Age Group
3.21 Mid Year Population by Province and District
3.22 Population Density
3.23 Vital Statistics
3.24 Crude Birth Rates and Death Rates by District
3.25 Labour Force
3.26 Employment
3.27 Unemployment
3.28 Public Sector Employment
3.29 Departures for Foreign Employment
3.30 Departures for Foreign Employment by Country
3.31 Departures for Foreign Employment by Skill Level, Age Group and Gender
3.32 Departures for Foreign Employment by District, Province and Gender