Economic and Social Statistics - 2024

Chapter 2 - Economic and Social Infrastructure

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2.1 Road Network
2.2 Road Kilometerage by Province and District
2.3 Road Kilometerage by Province
2.4 Motor Vehicles by Province
2.5 New Registration of Motor Vehicles
2.6 Sri Lanka Transport Board
2.7 Sri Lanka Railways
2.8 Aviation: SriLankan Airlines
2.9 Port Services
2.10 Selected Public Transport Indicators by Province
2.11 National Level Findings of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) by Survey Period – Sri Lanka
2.12 Average Monthly Household Expenditure on Selected Food/Non-Food Items by HIES Survey Period – Sri Lanka
2.13 Poverty Indicators by Sector, Province and District
2.14 Daily Average Dietary Energy Consumption per Person by Poverty Status, Sector, Province and District 2016 and 2019
2.15 Housing Conditions and Ownership of Durable Goods by Sector 2012/13, 2016 and 2019
2.16(A) Housing Conditions and Ownership of Durable Goods by Province – 2016
2.16(B) Housing Conditions and Ownership of Durable Goods by Province – 2019
2.17 Key Socio-Economic Indicators by Sector 2012/13, 2016 and 2019
2.18(A) Key Socio-Economic Indicators by Province 2016
2.18(B) Key Socio-Economic Indicators by Province 2019
2.19 General Education
2.20 Government School Teachers and Pupils by Province and District
2.21 Government Schools by Size of Student Population
2.22 Government School Teachers by Category of Appointment
2.23 New Admissions in Government Schools
2.24 Government Schools by Type, Pupils and Teachers
2.25 Performance of Candidates – GCE (O/L) and GCE (A/L)
2.26 GCE (O/L) Examination Performance of School Candidates (1st Attempt)
2.27 GCE (A/L) Examination Performance of School Candidates
2.28 University Education
2.29 Eligibility, Admission and Enrolment of Students for University Education
2.30 University Admissions by Province and District
2.31 University Admissions by Academic Stream and District
2.32 University Admissions by Academic Stream and Ethnicity
2.33 Technical Colleges
2.34 Information of Libraries in Sri Lanka
2.35 Libraries in Sri Lanka By Province 
2.36 National Library Data of Sri Lanka
2.37 Health Services
2.38 Selected Public Health Personnel
2.39 Public Health Personnel by District
2.40 Activities of Health Campaigns
2.41 Postal Services
2.42 Telecommunication Services
2.43 Mass Media
2.44 Prisoners
2.45 Prisoners by District
2.46 Selected Demography of Prisoners