Capacity Development Training Programme - Walasmulla

A Capacity Development Training Programme organised by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka with the collaboration of the Hambantota District Chamber of Commerce for their members in Walasmulla, Weerakatiya, Middeniya and Katuwana was successfully held on 20

A Training Programme on “Lending against Pawn Brokering”

A Training Programme on “Lending against Pawn Brokering” organized by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka with the collaboration of the Center for Banking Studies, Rajagiriya for the officials of banks and financial institutions was successfully held on 07 and 08 August 2018 at the auditorium

“Educational Seminar” - H/Mamadala Maha Vidyalaya - Ambalantota

An “Educational Seminar” organized by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka for ‍the students of Mamadala Maha Vidyalaya, Ambalantota was successfully held on 25th July 2018 at the auditorium of the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka. 50 students participated for the programme.

“Entrepreneurship Development Programme” for ‍Medium Level Tea Planters

An “Entrepreneurship Development Programme” organized by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka with the collaboration of the Low Country Tea Planters’ Association for ‍medium level tea planters was successfully held on 31st July 2018 at the auditorium of the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank

Programme on “Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy” - Akuressa

A programme on “Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy” conducted by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka with the collaboration of the Akuressa Branch of the DFCC Bank for small and medium entrepreneurs in Akuressa was successfully held on 03 August 2018 at the Uruwela Tea Factory, Akuressa.

An Entrepreneurship Development Programme

An Entrepreneurship Development Programme organized by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka with the collaboration of the Low Country Tea Planters’ Association for medium level tea planters will be held on 31st July 2018 from 09.00 a.m. at the auditorium of the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

An awareness programme on Financial Literacy

An awareness programme on Financial Literacy conducted by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka for government officers, small and medium entrepreneurs and general public in the Divisional Secretariat, Ambalantota was successfully held on 23rd July 2018 at the Divisional Secretariat, Ambalantota. 114 participated for the programme.

KithuDev Shilpa Prabha - 2018

The Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka successfully conducted a publication stall at the “KithuDev Shilpa Prabha - 2018”, educational exhibition organised by the G/Christ Church Girls’ College - Baddegama, which was held on 08th and 09th July, 2018. More than 1,000 participants including school teachers, students and general public visited our publication stall.

An awareness programme on New Inland Revenue Act

An awareness programme on New Inland Revenue Act organised by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka with the collaboration of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna for small and medium entrepreneurs in the Matara District, students and Staff of the University of Ruhuna was successfully held on 18th July 2018 at the University of Ruhuna. 274 participated for the programme.

An awareness programme on Obtaining GMP and SLS Certificates

An awareness programme on “Obtaining GMP and SLS Certificates” organized by the Regional Office Matara, Central Bank of Sri Lanka for small and medium entrepreneurs in the Hambantota District was successfully held on 20th July 2018 at the auditorium of the District Secretariat, Hambantota. 57 entrepreneurs participated for the programme.
