Regional Office - Killinochchi

Regional Office – Kilinochchi of Central Bank of Sri Lanka successfully conducted a webinar on ‘Impacts of COVID 19 on businesses and the ways to overcome’ on 08 January 2021 and Dr. L Sritharan, Deputy Director, Macroprudential Surveillance Department, Central Bank of Sri Lanka was contributed as resource person. Businessmen, Entrepreneurs and general public actively participated and benefitted from the webinar and the recording has been uploaded on the official Facebook page of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka for the interested beneficiaries.

Regional Office - Kilinochchi of Central Bank of Sri Lanka has successfully conducted a webinar on ‘Advanced Financial Literacy’ (Training of Trainers) on 25 January 2021 for selected Development Officers in Jaffna District with the collaboration of Centre for Banking Studies. 94 Development Officers from District Secretariat and various divisional secretariats of Jaffna actively participated and benefitted from the webinar. Dr. L Sritharan, Deputy Director, Macro Prudential Surveillance Department, Central Bank of Sri Lanka served as the resource person of the webinar.

A virtual awareness programme on ‘Unauthorized Deposit Taking’ was successfully conducted by Regional Office - Kilinochchi with the collaboration of Resolution and Enforcement Department of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka for 25 Development Officers on 28 October 2021.

Two virtual training programmes on ‘Designing Webpage’ were successfully conducted by Regional Office - Kilinochchi of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka for 80 and 50 SMEs in Jaffna District and Wanni Region on 05 and 19 November 2021, respectively.

An awareness programme on ‘Effective Credit Management and Foreign Remittance’ was successfully conducted by Regional Office - Kilinochchi of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka for 25 customers of Sanasa Development Bank in Kilinochchi on 03 December 2021.
